OK, this is my rant of the day.... I met someone who totally believes the earth is flat. OMG! She had all sorts of "fake science" explanations that I refuted left and right - to no avail I might add. As someone with a background in Geographic Information Science, arcGIS mapping using Landsat infrared and other satelite imagery, and having done field survey and mapping work using GPS (Global Positioning System) units, I was nearly tearing out my hair in frustration. This is the 21st Century folks, not the Dark Ages!
I may have, but the subject never came up. I have met people who are certain that the moon landings were faked. I asked, "How the fuck did we get reflectors there?" Also to no avail.
Conspiracy theorists have a need to possess esoteric knowledge beyond the grasp of us mortals. To that end, they are more than willing to be convinced and convince themselves of the most ridiculous bullshit.
I have never encountered a flat earther, if they are anything like fox news fans I hope I never do. You can not reason with them, facts and science mean NOTHING to them.
I love the movie "Men in Black", but I'm starting to think that movie is based on facts the government is not willing to tell us about.
When encountering fox news fans I sometimes feel they are going to shed their skin and show their true self to be an intelligence devouring alien life form. I suspect flat earthers to be similar.
People like that are like playing checkers with a Pidgeon. The Pidgeon is just going to strut around the board , shit all over it, and then acts like it won the game.
Yes, I have encountered one of these people on FB. May have been a troll-- he was very insistent about the "staged" moon landing. And that John Glenn (who was not actually involved in said moon landing, but facts weren't his strong suit) was a communist. It was special. However, I do know a few anti-vaxxers in real life. And one chemtrails afficianado. Such fun!
ok so please don't anti-vaxxers with flat earthers, that is plain wrong.
I will do as I please. I don't require your approval.
Yes, I was raised my one. My dad convinced me from a young age that the earth was flat, dinosaurs never existed, and the earth was 6,000 years old. I caught on relatively quick considering I live in the Bible Belt.
Oh wow, does he know your an atheist? Curious on his reaction.. if any.
I would say I'm sorry you can't listen to an expert in his field. Then walk away.
I feel like most of these people are just punking us.
I really hope you are right.
Yeah, the Greeks and Romans knew the earth was round, but Chrisians, and other religious folk. manaed to convince a lot of people otherwise as knowledge was supressed tha tled to the drk ages.
Hopefully knowledge is too widespread for another dark age to occur.
I have not enoucntered a flat earther myself. They are pretty rare in this part of the country.
People will believe what they want to believe and sometimes we just cannot help/fight stupid. I wouldn't waste a single heartbeat on someone like that. They want to believe the earth is flat, hey whatever rock their boat, even when the boat mastil will get lost in the horizon as it sails away (see what I did there? ) ... Cheers !!!
Yes. And they are worse than religious folk. They cannot be dissuaded.
Totally. I’ve have similar training. People are stupid, but when they refute what you have studied and worked with for thousands of hours with a 17 minute YouTube video it drives one insane.
Yes, I know one and I really enjoy listening to him. I see no need to debate he has had a lifetime of facts and has made his choice and made up his mind. My favorite twist of logic. The greeks new the earth was round and a pretty close guess on how big around. He says the greeks thought the earth was round because they did not understand the higher math that proves the earth is flat. Instead of arguing I listen, I might learn a thing or two. Mostly how deranged folks can keep believing what seems obviously wrong, this might be usefull to understand in today's society.
After reading this, it made it more clear to me.It states that most consider themself very religious.
I debated a Hollow Earther online once. Learnt a lot about seismology. Never engaged a Flat Earther though. However I have read Flat Earth: The History of an Infamous Idea by Christine Garwood [amazon.co.uk] Found it absolutely fascinating especially the spat between the Zetetic Astronomers and the Biblical Creationists.