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How Can A Disease With 1% Mortality Shut Down The United States?

HippieChick58 9 July 13

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm always surprised how callous people are.

I want to ask them:
'Do you know/work_with/interact_daily_with 100 people?'
'Which one would you like to die?'
'Which 20 do you want sick enough to go to the hospital?'

Oh yeah -- you don't get to choose who.
Unless you wear a mask!

Why are people so short-sighted and selfish that this is even a question?

RichCC Level 8 July 13, 2020

Oh yeah. It's a hoax. A big nothingburger. Open up. Just open up.

barjoe Level 9 July 13, 2020

I presume you're being sarcastic.

@Petter Sarcasm is my religion.

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