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As an atheist, have you ever said "oh my God," "hallelujah" or " thank you Jesus" or some other expression to effect while experiencing some extreme situation, good or bad and a thiest heard you and was quick to respond why are you calling him if you don't believe him?

Example if I say "Oh God" out of frustration usually I respond and say it's just a phrase and I said it in the same context as "oh f***" so there is no distinction but I want a wittier comeback than that!! Hahahaha!!

bluefairy 6 Apr 6

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Yes, old habits die hard.


All the time. I say "oh my god/dog", and "Jesus Fucking Christ" all the time.


I say “god fucking damn it” quite frequently.


I quite often use terms such as "praise Jesus!" and "Lord have mercy!" for comedic effect.

Jnei Level 8 Apr 6, 2018

Yeah all the time. Don't think it means I'm a flakey atheist though. It;s just a phrase like 'Thank fuck for that', 'What a load of bollocks' or 'Huge Melons!' god has no meaning so my cussing is consistent with that 🙂

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