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Does anyone here believe in 'Bigfoot"?

PondartIncbendog 8 July 17

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I was at the beach just south of Cannon Beach and was eating lunch with friends. I saw a Pterodactyl. Then it came into real focus and it was four Pelicans flying in formation. No Bigfoot, other than the one standing outside what used to be Bigfoot Steak House. No body in all this time, no Bigfoot.

Some big feet there then?


I like Jim Butcher's series of novellas featuring Sasquatch. As believable as any of the other stories you hear.


zeuser Level 9 July 17, 2020

My girlfriend keeps telling me I am always putting it in my mouth, so yes. But it is strange because she uses the singular, but they both look about the same size to me.


No. I am fond of Stink-foot though.

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