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What is you favorite Beatles song?

What is your favorite Beatles song (or two, or three...)? I'll start...My favorite has always been Across the Universe , but I also like Come Together and Eleanor Rigby... The Beatles have such a wide range of sounds, most people like at least something...

twitch 7 Apr 6

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Pretty much all of them.


I share Across the Universe with you. I would have it played at my funeral, but I'm not going to have one, so too bad. I'm a huge Beatles fan. They played in my city in 1964. I was 9. Too damn young. Story of my life. Either I'm too young or too old for it. Oh well.


How do you expect me to pick a favorite? That’s like trying to pick a favorite child!

Possibly Revolution #9


The Long and Winding Road


1 A Day in the Life
2 Dear Prudence
3 I am a Walrus

gater Level 7 Apr 6, 2018

All of side 2, Abbey Road


Maxwell's Silver Hammer


Too many to choose from. Let's see, In My Life, Golden Slumbers, Across the Universe, I am the Walrus, A Day in the Life, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Eleanor Rigby...

nice selection

Not a Beatle fan maybe because I grew up with them but Eleanor Rigby is a special blend. They were a special group and very talented that grew up to manhood... something stones never did.


Let it be


Strawberry Fields


Baby you're a rich man


Changes often, but right now I'm on a Dear Prudence and I'm Only Sleeping rampage.

me too. Been trying to learn it on guitar for a while now. Travis picking sucks!!


Norwegian Wood, Penny Lane and While My Guitar Gently Weeps.




Strawberry Fields Forever because it was the first song I heard by them and was completely enamored by them


So many! Old Brown Shoe is one, lyrics are fun

jeffy Level 7 Apr 7, 2018

I always like "She's Leavign Home" and "Elonor Rigby"

I love 'She's Leaving Home' also....very sad lyrics, but the harp is outstanding!

@twitch For me, I always imagined a firl brought up in a religious home and leaving religion behind to be free.


Norwegian Wood. Don't know why.

Awww, c'mon, you know why - it's so damned sad and beautiful.


Norwegian Wood.


I am a Beatles fanatic. I love so many. But my favorite:

"Here Comes The Sun", because it's perfect in every way.


Across the Universe seems like a fine choice. I just like the Let It Be album I guess.

I can't say any are my absolute favorite, but a few that I can't resist from time to time, among many:

  • I'll Follow The sun
  • Yesterday
  • Day In The Life
  • Blackbird
  • among those they didn't write, favorites include:
    Till There Was You
    Baby It's You
kmaz Level 7 Apr 8, 2018

Today (it changes often) its "Dear Prudence"


"Come Together" and "When my guitar gently weeps" both because of George Harrison's guitar work.

@SACatWalker No shit? I did not know that. Not that it's a bad thing, Clapton being another of my favorite guitarists. But wow, this whole time I thought it was George playing that lead.


Eleanor Rigby is definitely up there. The Long and Winding Road, Rocky Racoon, A Day in the Life. I taught myself to play guitar with the Lennon McCartney Songbook. Someone made off with the guitar and my music books several years ago, I was devastated.

So sad to hear that. One of my favourite buskers in Canberra was burgled and lost his guitar.

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