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LINK Twitter bans former KKK leader David Duke - The Washington Post

I feel sock-puppet accounts in the making. Funny they banned him over COVID. Apparently they do believe in free speech as white supremacy is "free speech" but apparently COVID does have it's limits.

SeaGreenEyez 9 July 31

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White supremacy and racism have been around so long, way before the concept of "hate speech". But covid-19, that's something new.


Shows how dangerous of times these are. Racism kills milliions over centuries. Is never banned(which it shouldn't be).

A few Karens get scared and all of a sudden there are no protections and the hive mind shows it's ugly face in full force. Everyone is on board and any dissent is shamed, scrubbed and near outlawed.

Orwell was right.

SCal Level 7 July 31, 2020

About damn time. I am Louisiana native and remember the 1991 governor’s race - David Duke vs Edwin Edwards. “Vote for the crook” (Edwards) Sigh.

Ohub Level 7 July 31, 2020

Why white supremacy is not hate speech is what I wonder.


Which they should have. Once dissent and speech are outlawed, we become a communist haven in a hurry.

Already about 8/10th's of the way there.


Well they took their own sweet time about it, but finally decided he was NOT "a very fine person" after all


Finally some justice

bobwjr Level 10 July 31, 2020
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