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LINK NIH clinical trial to test antibodies and other experimental therapeutics for mild and moderate COVID-19 | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Monoclonal antibodies show promise in early treatment. Looking forward to the results of these two trials.

Monoclonal antibodies have been successfully used in cancer treatment for years, and were part of the treatment developed for Ebola. For an infection whose damage is largely caused by the out of control immune response, this is a wise method of attack to be pursuing.

Link to FB watch video of Dr Fauci explaining these two trials for anyone interested in a bit of further explanation.

Amzungu 8 Aug 4

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People tell me the virus will go away just like all the other viruses. The problem is, they have not gone away.


The antibody trials may bring too much false hope so far the antibodies last different time frames for different individuals!!!

There are just too too many variables to make a sincere statements of hope with this ever changing infection of this overtly mutating virus!!!

This Convin 19 virus does not act or mutate like other Coronaviruses, they are over thirty know coronaviruses with many more variants that are still not fully known or cataloged!!

This whole Coronavirus Covin19 Pandemic does not add up in so many ways!!

Who can you trust???

Seems you are taken a chance either way being vaccinated or not!

There are just too too many variables that are not known to make any type of reasonable conclusion!!!

For every medical study and/or scientific study it is just not known who is actually doing the proper types of studies which are not tainted by the greed of the wealthy and the pharmaceutical corporations!

Look up the 1986 vaccine immunity law, then ask yourself what is it really safe and can you trust them to tell the truth???

H.R.5546 - National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986

For those too lazy to read the whole law:

National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act

I'm not sure you read the article. Monoclonal antibody therapy has nothing to do with the antibodies your body makes to fight an antigen, and this article has nothing to do with natural or vaccine acquired immunity. I'm very familiar with the vaccine injury act, though I'm not touching the anti vax sentiment of your comment. I find it difficult to be kind with that one.

I understand from the article that monoclonal antibodies are not being touted as a preventative, but as "medicine" to shorten and reduce an existing infection. So your long expounding on the subject of vaccines is utterly irrelevant, I feel.
It's a bit like Aspirin. It doesn't prevent headaches, but it sure as hell helps when you have a headache.


Doctor Immanuel, the witch doctor, didn't even know what nih was.

I'm laughing because it's so ridiculous for a 'Dr' to not know what the NIH is, but crying on the inside. The amount of people who are willing to trust her medical advice over Dr Fauci's is absolutely terrifying.

@Amzungu it is terrifying, it really is..


The one thing that worries me as a potential issue is there's some evidence that immunity may be temporary after recovery.
If so this thing is going to keep going around until we get competent pandemic management or we're all dead.

In Wuhan there have been those who have fallen ill three times, the antibodies are of a limited life span every individual is vastly different!!!

So many reports have been censored or plain removed whether valid or not, made by Doctors and medical researchers!!!

You can you trust?

The wealthy and the pharmaceutical corporations who stand to make $$$Billions$$$ off of us with no medical liability for their Vaccines which side effects may be worst than the infection!!!

One must ask who do you trust!!!


Thank goodness for the scientists. I can't wait to look back on this pandemic.

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