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It is not that I enjoy watching the news these last several troubling years, it is that I fear not watching it – after all, I want to know what monsters are coming our way…

SecretSharer 4 Nov 25

Enjoy being online again!

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What I hate about the news especially cable news. Is when something big happens they talk about it for days and nothing else. What else is happening around the world I don't know. I get most of my news from different sites on the internet. I find the news media can be very bias. It's hard to get all the news.


I click in on as soon as I get up every morning to find out if I'm still alive.

gearl Level 8 Nov 26, 2017

It's an impossible notion but strive to make no decisions out of fear. In our basest selves hate and fear drive us. If we are to progress as a society we must look past these primitive notions.


I am also watching the new closely, mainly hoping that the news will be like Watergate in 1974 -- a new shoe dropping nearly every day leading to impeachment. The news about what is happening in the Neuller investigations keeps feeding my hope that Trump will be impeached and hopefully also imprisoned and that we will be rid of his entire damnable cabal. What I fear is (2) what damage the sociopath can do in the meantime, and *2( the deep dread that the SOB could even get away with his crimes. That would be the worst future possible.

I agree with everyone you have said - thank you...


I try to keep informed, but my sources of trusted news are shrinking in number. Some of the other sources are OK, but miss interesting and important news from around the world.

Please try The Guardian, Common Dreams,, TruthDig , MediaMatters, ShareBlue, ThinkProgress, The Atlantic (all online) - these are among the best sources of the best journalism and writing, and I am the son of two professional journalists...thank you for your reply...


I feel that if Idon't have MSNBC on I'm going to miss something important based on current events in this scary administration. You're right I don't trust what Trump is doing.


I only get my news from Facebook. And then I go research it.

I literally cried for three days after the election. Then again for a few days after the electoral sham. I’m so disgusted with our government.

I would totally join a rebellion. Fight, and forfeit, for my grandchildren. And their children.

It’s deeply disturbing how the right are rolling back our rights-as women, as non-white, and as non-right wing.

I also support secession. I have for twenty years. There is too much territory and people, to be contained by one government. If states had more control over their own people, that would work.

You have a rebel's spirit, and thank you...

Honesty here...

It scares me to think I might be in the middle of a fight like that, but I know it’s not as bad as my spawn (lovingly entitled) suffering. I hope that I have the balls to follow through if it comes to it.


We're getting too much news now, including international news. Most of the time I think I'd be happier if I just switched off. My attitude towards the news began to change when those Russian and Ukraine rebel mongrels shot down that civilan jet airliner. My reaction was one of pure anger that was only amplified by the fact that there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.

Yes, I feel so helpless. My vote doesn’t count, my voice is unheard, and I’m blocked from helping others outside the country.

Yes, and well said...thank you...


I watch the news and politics more than I ever have.I am not sure I will be prepared for what ever free floating fears I have but I need to think I can see what is coming down my road

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