"Since she was born on U.S. soil, she is considered a natural born US citizen under 14th Amendment, and she is eligible to serve as either the vice president or president. Full stop end of story period exclamation point,”
Jessica Levinson, Loyola Law
“The VP has the same eligibility requirements as the president, Kamala Harris, she has to be a natural-born citizen, at least 35 years old, and a resident in the United States for at least 14 years. She is. That’s really the end of the inquiry.”
Juliet Sorensen, Northwestern U.
Was wondering when that would come up. Fortunately or unfortunately (depends on how one looks at it) the birther law in this country (we are one of a very few with this) does make people being born here a citizen. It was created after the Civil War to make people born from slaves, citizens. Unfortunately, it is being abused by people sneaking across the border to have their kids here so they might be able to get a foot in the door. A hospital in El Paso has been inundated with women who do this. Every silver lining has a dark streak.
Anchor babies? Does that bother you? It doesn't bother me.
@barjoe It bothers me that we have lost control of our borders. It bothers me that some use our laws to benefit themselves at the expense of the community. It bothers me that too many are willing to simply look aside and not try to become informed about a serious issue (overpopulation) in the country with the world's largest carbon footprint. I knew there would be a comment as there always is. Something i read about being a progressive is that one is not afraid of making controversial comments.
@JackPedigo Why do you think undocumented people are here? To provide cheap labor. For who? Go to any Trump Hotel. Undocumented staff. So he beats his chest about The Wall. I grew up in Philly and many of my friends were Hispanic. They were all Puerto Rican. There were no Mexican people here. They're here now. Why? Because business hires them and effectively sponsors them. For 100+ years they've worked in agriculture in the border states. Now they're in all 48. Figure it out. Illegal Aliens. America's punching bag.
@barjoe It has always been so strange to me that too many of our Congress critters don't care to go after the employers that hire the people who have come here illegally. It seems they just crap all over the people just trying to feed their families and make a better life for themselves. Never once do you hear of the employers being arrested and fined for hiring those who are here illegally. Granted I do not believe that people coming here illegally is good either. We do need to follow our laws about entry to the Country.
@Redheadedgammy Thank you for having an open mind to this very complicated situation. Time after time groups have tried to get all the states to pass what is known as E-verify. Too many industries lobby to not get this passed. Industry wants a cheap controllable work force. We want cheap goods and services and look the other way. Too often have I heard people want to help others and they do the work Americans won't. It seems we want to both help and exploit which doesn't really work.
@Redheadedgammy, @barjoe Unfortunately, this is a very simplistic view of a complex issue. It's not just the wealthy but most of us want cheap labor. Go to any building store and see lines of people looking to get work at cheap rates. My brother-in-law, an immigrant from Iran, told me he got his house re-roofed by some here illegally because he wanted to help a struggling person and his family. BS, he wanted to get his roof done on the cheap. He is an airline pilot and can afford an established company. He says he is trying to help another but what about the person working for an honest company who is also getting benefits and often also has a family. It is just plain greed.
Again, this country has the world's highest per capita carbon footprint. Every person born into or coming to this country only adds to that footprint. Our foot print is, the equivalent to 10 times that of the average global citizen. Population, especially in a country as ours is super critical. Too often we use thoughtless emotion to deal with an issue that demands knowledge, evidence and reason. It's easy to call names but it's hard to become truly informed. It's not about immigrants but immigration. It's not about people but a system that all people, immigrants and citizens alike need to live andd thrive.
@JackPedigo BIL used them because they are here. I'm not from Washington State but I'd bet Mexicans weren't always in the NW except for agricultural migrants. What's wrong with your brother-in-law trying to get his roof done cheap? He's not an ICE agent. It's protocol. What's he supposed to card the guy? It's a side job. Would it be different some union worker was grabbing money under the table? When's the last time you went to a restaurant didn't have illegals working in the back of the house? They all do. What do want to do? Round them all up?
@barjoe This conversation has obviously hit a dead end. And we criticize the Christians for one-sided, in-the-box thinking!
@JackPedigo Just being realistic. Everything I said was true. I didn't do it. I don't hire Mexicans, but it is what it is.
@barjoe It is only true because people let it be. They act on their basic emotions instead of looking at the issue with reason and concern. However, we then end up what we have, a polarized and overly emotional situation and no one wins. Obama understood the problem and he deported more people here illegally than any other president. Also, there are three terms: Illegal aliens, undocumented immigrants and illegal immigrants. The first 2 are emotional driven and the third is more about reason.
Well, trumps mother was not a naturalized citizen when he was born, so shall we say trump must be forced out of office due to that? This tripe from trump and repubs is nothing but them reaching for anything to try and hurt Kamala Harris just like they did with President Obama. I'm so fucking sick of this bullshit!!!
Had anybody ever seen his birth certificate?
@barjoe That would be a real laugh for a little controversy to start about trumps birth certificate!!! LOL
It's like a plot from a comedy, except it's not in the least bit funny.