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Just gonna leave this here...

Dorkyndaft 6 Aug 16

Enjoy being online again!

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The scariest part is that when I first saw this I momentarily thought I was seeing a family member. 🙄 I had to do a double take.

@Dorkyndaft You can choose your friends but you can't choose your family. lol


Completely validates my opinion of Trump supporters.


A typical Trump supporter.


Well, ain't that the stupidest thing you've ever seen?


trump loves em stupid ....and they sure don't disappoint !!...


I call fake. You can see what remains of a t-shirt collar. 😀

I think I see a hint of pasties. I hope it's fake, cause my faith in human intelligence is precariously close to nil. 😂

@Dorkyndaft looks like they airbrushed over duct tape!!....wait till they try to remove it!!!


What did we do to piss you off?

😂 Nah, I hoped to provide a good laugh.

@Dorkyndaft Me too. 🙂

@Dorkyndaft you did!!!

2 wouldn’t that make a daddy proud…

Varn Level 8 Aug 16, 2020

I've learned never to under-estimate: daddy probably IS proud.

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