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Hi, I'm fairly new here. Where I fit on the religious spectrum is not so clear. I've been struggling with it, in fact. I'd like to be one or the other, but while I'm generally not a believer, I just can't rule it out, and I think maybe I need to acknowledge my uncertainties and the small but persistent religious impulse that I have.

I just updated my profile bio, and here is the part of it that's relevant to religion. If anybody else is in the same place I am, I'd love to get to know them.

Not very religious, but not totally without religious impulses. I have had a few mysterious and very supportive, loving experiences that might have been from Someone--but not enough for a firm belief, not enough to base my life on.
I tend to not talk about it much and think that's a lot more pleasant than having people trying to "convert" me or lead me to Jesus or whatever. If there is going to be any leading it's going to have to come straight from whatever deity there may be. He/she/it/they is/are going to have to make it possible for me to believe.
I've tried to make it happen myself, but with no success. The Bible leaves me cold. Violence, contradictions, how it needs to be studied at length and raises so many questions. Surely this is not the kind of document we would be left for our only or main guidance.
So I honor the possibility of a loving God, maybe 5 minutes a day, acknowledge my little bit of religious impulse... thank God if He's there and has been helping me/us... ask Him to protect us and to help me be or do anything He may want... and go about my everyday business.
I wish I could find a group of people doing the same thing, because I'd like to belong, but no church I know of is anything like this. I can't stand there and recite creeds I don't believe.

So, anybody with me?

Is there in fact some sort of church or group for people like this?

Anne1954 4 Aug 17

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I have no religious impulse. I fit in nowhere in a religious world and I also am not trying to fit into such a world.


I would suggest looking for ways to connect with others outside of worship. We are used to connecting with people in that aspect and I think if you are used to that, you feel lonely when you let it go. But there are other ways to connect.

I've found comfort in learning to connect with others wherever they are at. I focus on what I have in common with others and build on that. I feel more comfortable and have noticed that others feel more comfortable around me as well.

True worship is such a personal thing. It's not something that you have to share with others.



Your journey is why freedom of religion is important. Its not just the freedom to practice a religion. It is also about being able to freely go back and forth, to and from, any religion, or lack of one.

Very few countries truly have this freedom. And it deeply ironic to me that in America the party that claims to honor and defend American values allow religions to impose religious restrictions by codifying it in law.

If a church doesn't exist for what you need - you can always start one!


This book was very helpful for me in coming to understand some of my experiences in biological terms instead of mystical terms.


skado Level 9 Aug 18, 2020
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