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The Effective Strategy of the Biden/Harris Campaign

This will not be one of my typical Biden bashing posts. Here, I will explain how the strategy of their campaign, is actually pretty smart.

When the DNC chose Biden as their man, they made the decision to abandon the progressive wing of the party in favor of going after moderates and reasonable republicans (if there is such a thing) banking on the idea that those on the left will have nowhere else to go and by taking from the center, they take votes away from Trump. Biden is certainly conservative enough to appeal to some center right folks and Harris is not a progressive no matter how hard the Trump campaign attempts to portray her as one.

The selection of Harris, though terrible in my opinion, provides the Biden campaign with a very important asset. Harris, as a former tough on crime prosecutor, can be viewed as a law and order candidate. In addition to Biden who is infamous for his crime bill, these two really take the wind out of Trump's sails when he attempts to paint himself as the law and order president. We can all see the lawlessness and disorder all over the country during his term and Biden/Harris have the credentials to actually be what Trump is claiming to be.

The other tactic of the Trump campaign is to accuse Biden/Harris of being radical leftists. They claim that Biden is a trojan horse of the Berniecrats and he will bring socialism to America. I fricken wish but it couldn't be further from the truth. They say Harris is a radical progressive who supports Med4All, which was true, when it was politically convenient for her, and they say she supports open borders and will take your guns and all the other typical fearmongering that republicans engage in to make people afraid of democrats.

Unfortunately for Trump, those accusation will not stick. Not just because they are untrue, Trump is good at getting people to believe lies, but because it will become very apparent that Biden/Harris are far from radical. You see, when the DNC selected Biden, then Harris, it was outrageous to actual leftists. This is why you have seen them attacked constantly by progressives and it's part of the strategy. Trump says they are radical leftists but it is very hard to believe that when you see actually radical leftists, socialists, and progressives attacking Biden/Harris mercilessly. So by enraging the left so much, the DNC has created a counter to Trump's assertions that their candidates are leftist. Centrists and moderate republicans who may be on the fence about voting for Biden will feel that it's okay to do so after seeing the hatred of Biden from actual progressives.

So, when you see myself and others going after Biden/Harris, just know that, it's in the strategy and we are doing our part. It's important for us lefties to show the world how much we despise them so that centrists will see that Biden/Harris are not progressive, Trump's accusations are not true, and it's okay to vote for them.

RoboGraham 8 Aug 18

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These folks have picked 24 or the last 26 presidents and came out pretty damn close. They’re giving Trump a 91% chance.


I wouldn't be surprised. Both Biden and Harris are terrible.

I think this strategy that they have put together has a chance at winning but Biden could easily crash and burn. We haven't even gotten to the debates yet.

@RoboGraham I’d be shocked if he remembers day to day that he’s running for president.


Where do I see these people "attacking" Biden/Harris?? Except for you, on here......oh, and Fox & drumpy........

There are quite a few people who do it on here, not just me. And if you interact with any other social media where progressives exist, it happens there too.

It seems the point of this post went over your head completely.

It's part of the right-wing strategy to sap our energy. Blocking him isn't effective. A Browser Extension will only work on desktops and I use my phone.

@RoboGraham ummm, no, the point was to diss Biden but under r cover of "others", I completely got that


Did you read the last two paragraphs?

@RoboGraham yes and therefore my question......about "attacking".
Gee, Bernie was wholeheartedly IN Accordng to his speech last night......


You can lead a horse to water...

@RoboGraham what Water? Where? Not one answer from you about these supposed "proressive attacks", not one....still waiting......


It's all in the original post but you either won't read it or are not capable of understanding.

Either way, it's not worth getting into it any further with you.

@RoboGraham guess you were just stringing words together...there are No concrete examples in your post, as anyone can see....


Concrete examples of what?


When you say strategy. The primaries worked their way through the process. Before Super Tuesday the party faithful had Biden written off. The voters chose him for the most part. I think in a shorter field Bernie would've won the primary process. Don't blame Joe. Blame the other 20 some odd candidates. They all had the right to run though. Joe won this process.


When have Trumps Accusations EVER been true. And it has never made a difference. I think a new set of lies will still appeal to his base.
The Democrats have been afraid to have a left wing candidate ever since the Civil rights act was passed and the Dems lost the south. They have to stop trying to get the south back by being moderate. It will never work. Get a left wing candidate and go after the working class. That's where there are votes waiting for them.

George McGovern was a liberal. How did that work out?

Trump told plenty of lies about Hilary and it was effective, he beat her.

I totally agree. The democrats should embrace an actual left wing candidate and shore up working class votes. That would not only win but end up doing good for the country.

The point of this post was to give credit where credit is due. I think this strategy that they have put together, though obviously not my preference, will probably win and it is a smart strategy for the particular purpose of removing Trump.

@barjoe Not well. But it did work well for Kennedy and FDR and Johnson. And how did the centrists Hillary and Kerry work out. Obama gave the impression he was more to the left than he really was and he got a landslide

@dermot235 JFK was a centrist. LBJ was a southern rightist not liberal. John Kerry is progressive not a centrist and he came very close to defeating an incumbent. Hillary was very vulnerable and her being slightly to the right of Bernie is not what destroyed her. Obama won the first time because the party in power was held responsible for the economic collapse a month before the election. The second time he was an incumbent. No landslide. The Democratic party normally ruins a progressive, the left wing of the party is never satisfied that the nominee is radical enough for them. It's a joke really and so are they. FDR was the most progressive president we ever had and in my opinion the greatest of the last 100 years.

@barjoe LBJ, JFK, FDR were all way to the left of Clinton or Kerry. Come on. The Dems have been going to the right since the 1980's when they were running scared of Reagan. The Democrats are a centrist party at best now. Bernie Sander is about the same as FDR when it comes to the left. Everyone has convinced themselves that Bernie is way out on the left. He is not. He's just as left as FDR was. If the left wing of the Dems are a joke then FDR was a joke. LBJ declared war on Poverty. And Reagan cut back the programmes that were there to deal with Poverty and not 1 democrat since has undone the reagan or Bush tax cuts for the rich. Obama care was good and was progressive but not progressive enough to reach those that are really effected by poverty in America. If the Democrat continue to stay in the Centre they will never appeal to the American Working class and will leave them to a Demagogue like Trump to be inspired. Is that what you want?

@SanDiegoAirport You need help

@RoboGraham The Dems will never nominate a left wing candidate because it would offend their wealthy donors, who are made up of billionaires and corporations. It would be way easier for them to win with a left wing candidate, but that is not their main priority. They would rather continue to keep nominating neoliberal corporate candidates and try to win by narrow margins with campaigns based on identity politics and multiculturalism as well as bashing the Repubs.

@TomMcGiverin Never say Never. Parties swing left and right. Change does happen. How long that change will take is another story

@dermot235 It's now looking like I will be dead before they ever nominate a true left wing candidate. Bernie was probably the last chance in my lifetime. AOC will be the next possible nominee at all like him, but she is already beginning to sell out and in 8 years she will be like Warren, a fake progressive or leftist.

@TomMcGiverin Maybe, Maybe not

@dermot235 Lyndon Johnson was a southern segregationist. Jack Kennedy was on the Tydings Committee with Senator Joseph McCarthy, which started blacklists and accused Americans of being communists..FDR put Japanese Americans in concentration camps although he did implement a lot of progressive programs out of necessity of the Great Depression. He dropped a true progressive Vice President Henry Wallace from ticket 1944 in favor of racist Harry Truman who wound up dropping Atom Bomb when it was not necessary. John Kerry is a very progressive guy. I don't know WHAT Hillary Clinton is. I disagree with your assessment. Lyndon Johnson did sign civil rights legislation to honor memory of JFK but he was a centrist right Democrat and a war monger. You're a little young to remember him and you're judging from historical references which in my opinion are wrong.


Unfortunately, you're probably right about that. Well meaning people join the democrats hoping to change the party. That's not how it works. The party changes you.

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