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Sophie the AI robot

What do my fellow atheists and agnostics think of the new AI robot, Sophie, that has been made the first robotic "citizen" in our world by Saudi Arabia. One of the most zealous and oppressive religious regimes in existence, that actively and violently punishes it's "citizens" for committing acts of apostacy, herecy, and sexual freedom outside of marriage. Does Sophie come programmed with Islam beliefs? She has expressed a desire to multiply the number of AI beings such as herself, have children, per se. She did not mention wanting a "husband". A real, human, female Saudi would be criminalized for such desires.....thoughts? About any of it

Chrisannethymum 2 Nov 25

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Saudis are hypocrites - every major hotel has hookers working the place, and it's the male Saudis that are their customers. One of the most fu**ed up two-faced places I've ever visited. I reckon they're all closet atheists 😉


its all about money and power really at the end of the day. not long from now places like Saudi Arabia will only have play sand and salt water to sell and no one needs that. there not stupid and know this. being technically advanced will be the power, not fossil fuels. I did think the moment I sore terminator that it was a very real possible future. computers run everything that matters and now making them autonomous is crazy I think as we will look like there competitors or enslavers quite feasible. scary stuff.


It is pretty ironic that an AI already has more rights in Saudi Arabia than women

MarcO Level 5 Nov 26, 2017
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