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LINK Ames, Iowa City COVID Outbreaks Are Worst In The World | Iowa Starting Line

Iowa’s exploding COVID-19 outbreaks at state universities in Ames and Iowa City are now disasters that can only be fully measured on a global scale. Ames holds the distinction this morning as the worst coronavirus outbreak in the entire United States, while Iowa City is at third on the list. The per capita rates are worse than any individual country in the world, and appear to surpass any state in some of the other currently hardest-hit countries.

HippieChick58 9 Aug 30

Enjoy being online again!

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There's no cure for trumpism. It's fatal.


The irresponsibility starts with the administrators that opened the schools. Some people will end up with permanent organ damage and others will die. WTF

MizJ Level 8 Aug 30, 2020

Aren’t we all happy that he made America great again? Aren’t we thrilled that schools are open again?


JFC!! Sad so many made to the University stage of their lives being so completely stupid.

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