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Pretty much sums up the current national sentiment. Maybe if we were nicer... 🤔

Amzungu 8 Sep 3

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"You do not need to take away their faith for your own personal gain."

Wait a you mean that I could GAIN something by taking away someone's faith??? I had no idea! What have I been missing out on? What could I gain? Tell me!!!

...and to think that I've been leaving them in peace all these years, like a sucker...


A MAGAt wrote that!

Likely, yes.


Unfortunately true , religion has persecuted scientists since before Galileo


IMO, those who express such angry sentiments are the lowest common denominator vis a vis morality. They do not deserve the privilege of their beliefs, if their beliefs harm others.

Scientists are doctors, astronauts, inventors, creators of life-saving medicines, many kinds climate researchers, etc. Scientists save lives and make life more livable in many ways. Angry people can call lifesaving scientists 'assholes,' but they each should take a hard look at themselves to recognize a compulsively ignorant, reactive 'asshole.'

No one can prove that "god" does or does not exist, nor can anyone prove or describe what will happen after death to anyone else. What they do not comprehend is that beliefs are the inner part of each person, something that others can neither give nor take away.

Such people should grow up, get anger management training, lessons in humility, and tolerance for others' beliefs. Maybe then they wouldn't be so quick to generalize about a huge, diverse group called scientists. I'll bet many scientists have neither time nor desire to prove that people's faith(s) in 'god' are wrong.

Perfectly Well Said AnonySchmoose

@dave1459 Didn't see the word 'freedom' anywhere, but our 'freedoms' (or rights) are not inherent in a given society, but rather they are earned privileges most often acheived through a concession of power, and can onl be protected by the vigilant enforcement of the law.


I implied freedom of belief turns into a privilege that could be taken away, if one deprives another of freedom of belief. It is like 'do unto others as you would have done to you.' Why it is necessary to explain such consideration, I do not fathom. Many people nowadays seem to be de-evolving, and do not value fairness and equality -- except for themselves. Sorry if I offended you, but this is how I feel about this era of over-politicized history.

One never knows for sure when whatever one says might offend another person, yet we must realize sometimes our freedom of expression does offend, so it is courteous to apologize.


This person is uninformed, science can neither prove nor disprove the existence of an invisible supernatural being. Maybe if logic was a required subject in schools? But yes, certainly sums up the ignorant anti-science attitude that gets stronger in America daily sometimes it seems. Hudson had it right:

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