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I just grateful I never got a carry permit, every time i see "nose-out" mask wearers,or MAGA hats...soooo losing my sense of humor!


Thing is you will not see the president of the U.S. defending him.
Yep, very bad behavior and assault charges should be filed against him. Will he be treated the same as a white defendant is the bigger question.


Questionable source.


@TheMiddleWay It was your responsibility to do that research before you posted the link, so no, I didn't do your research for you, nor will I.

@TheMiddleWay Let's see those "multiple sources" then.

@TheMiddleWay Knew you were full of shit.


What the fuck is wrong with people? The level of outward aggression that pervades our entire society is at off the chart levels right now. I don't need a shelter in place order for my ass to be perfectly happy in the peace of my home. People have gone batshit crazy.

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