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Today's hike: clear skies, no smoke and fall color. Hooray!

Today Karen and I hiked seven point four miles on Upper Pipeline trail near Mission Ridge Ski Area. I felt thrilled to be hiking again, after being stuck indoors for two weeks due to hazardous wildfire smoke (felt like forever). In my element.

Each time a helicopter went over, we scanned the sky anxiously for smoke. On the trail, we found cougar scat filled with animal hair from game it ate. A grouse exploded from the bushes and flew across the trail in front of us.

We ran into Mitchell, age thirty, hiking with his wife and three-month-old baby on his chest. "We took Claire on her first hike when she was five months old," I said.

"Did she play tennis?" Mitchell asked. "Did she grow up around here?" "Yes, Claire Valdez," I replied.

"I remember Claire!" Mitchell exclaimed. "She was on varsity. I played JV (junior varsity) tennis. I watched the varsity players." Claire remembers Mitchell, too. They were in the same grade.

Claire is teaching her boyfriend to play tennis. "Are you playing as hard as you can?" I asked her.

"I'm not going to destroy him," Claire said dryly. "If I did, he won't play with me."


  1. Pearly Everlasting flowers. Love that name!

  2. A Pika house ready for winter.

  3. Elusive little Pikas are endangered due to climate change.

  4. Elderberry tree. People make jam from the berries.

  5. Claire played varsity tennis for four years in school. Each year, she had to beat every freshman, sophomore, junior and senior to win the only open spot on the Varsity team. Terry and I were amazed when she got on Varsity as a freshman.

LiterateHiker 9 Sep 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Your post here, with the pictures, and the word pictures, reminds me of my happiness list.

Just a few hours ago, I realized that I should write a happiness list, and I started on it, quickly.

I mean, I suppose I have always known, that to be happy, enjoy things that make me happy.

But I never thought to simply make a list of these things, until just a few hours ago.

At the age of 65.

Here is my list, so far:

Jigsaw puzzles
my wife
wild life
my dog
my checklist of chores

I plan to expand the list.

Your hike had a few items on the list.

Thanks again.


I’m glad you could get out again, and glad the smoke is better that slowed you to!


Thanks for your hiking experiences. I enjoy them and pictures.


Wow, a lot of berries on the tree. I have 3 small Elderberries but so far no fruit.


The Elderberry trees were loaded with dark purple berries.


The weather has been perfect here day after day.
I'm glad it cleared up for you

twill Level 7 Sep 21, 2020

Cool be careful

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 21, 2020

I think all your smoke has settled on us here in Salt Lake, I can only see a few blocks right now........


Interesting hike,love the pics,the elderberrys look very yummy ,beautiful pics of Claire ,It is surprising the people you run into that knows about someone close to you, The pearly everlastings are so beautiful


Thank you, Roy. Claire has an unusual and memorable name.

Claire means "clear and bright" in French.

Nice to know that about that name , I had a male friend with the exact same name,unfortunetly he was killed in a motorcycle accident 50 years ago

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