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To make the country a better place what one law would you add to the books?

The title should say it all. Your goal is to make the world a better place - maximize human happiness - but you can pass only one law to do it. What would that law be?

And it must be objective and enforceable. So no "Be nice" or "Be happy" is the law.

prometheus 7 Sep 22

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Establish that every elected official, when speaking in public, is speaking under oath. Consider the oath of office. Every public statement a politician makes should be truthful or at least verifiable. If an elected official tells a lie throw his ass in prison!

I like it although it is generally hard to prove "a lie" vs. "misspoke". But I think they should be made to recant their lies, I mean "misspeaking" in a way that is at least as public was when they originally said it. You lie at a campaign rally in front of thousands, you have to recant in front of thousands. And when in a debate and you lie you pay a penalty in speaking time equal to the amount of time you spent lying.


Eliminate "qualified immunity" from cops and other people who are empowered to use deadly force on a daily basis.
Require police to carry liability insurance nationwide. After a cop assaults or murders somebody and the victims family gets a million dollar payoff, that cop won't be employable as a cop anymore.

Definitely. If it is good for doctors why not the people given guns to "protect and serve"? And if they are afraid to do the job don't do it. Many other countries just don't have this problem. The only thing you should be afraid of is discharging your firearm when it wasn't necessary and never working in law enforcement ever again - not to mention you know, killing someone unjustly...


Dishonesty is a crime!

That's not compatible with freedom of speech.

@RoboGraham Bah Humbug! Are you allowed to yell "fire" in a theater?


Of course there are reasonable limitations but if you try to outlaw all lies, that's way over the line, that is the end of free speech. And it would be totally unenforcable anyway.

@RoboGraham commercial speech is not protected. So why should someone trying to flog you boner pills have more restrictions on what they can say vs. someone how is trying to mislead a country into a war, or policies that will kill hundreds of thousands, and harm millions of others?


I've no issue with the speech of political representatives and commentators being limited in such a way.

She said she wants to make dishonesty a crime which seemingly applies to everyone. That's not okay because I enjoy being dishonest when circumstances call for it.

Also, imagine you and I are having a disagreement, happens all the time. I think you are wrong so I call the police to report your lying. That would be crazy and unenforceable.

@RoboGraham it would have to involve proof........even now if you flog injected bleach to cure Covid you can....oh, nevermind.......

@RoboGraham is be interested to hear an example of your enjoyable dishonestly - even if only hypothetical. It's it for the purposes of ridicule and mockery - a comedic interlude? Or something else?

I think there are cases where dishonesty is allowable, particularly in the artistic sphere. But in certain areas there should be zero tolerance and a contract should be signed to make it clear by all parties what the deal is.


The Fairness Doctrine.... no more lying news stations

Leetx Level 7 Sep 22, 2020

Unfortunately we now have a huge percentage who think truth is completely subjective. And these are mostly the ones who claim that bearing false witness is a sin. Oy.


The taxation of all church holdings.

Varn Level 8 Sep 22, 2020

Pass a law that removes Qualified Immunity for police and funds legal support for people who’ve been harmed or harassed by police. 10’s of millions of lives are impacted by police run ins in ways we cannot imagine, unless you are among the poor or black or brown people whose lives have been micromanaged—or snuffed out—by police.


To run for any public office, you must have an IQ of at least 85!


No more political bribery. Campaigns will be funded through democracy dollars and anyone caught giving money or resources to political campaigns will be prosecuted harshly.

Move to Amend which gets money and corporations out of politics would fix a huge number of ills in this country. When politicians no longer spend 70+% of their time trying to raise money to stay in office they might actually have time to serve their constituents. And we might actually attract representatives who want to do that.

I personally think that we should have term limits on all offices in government including SCOTUS - I know Democrats often go "oh no, no, no" because they think that would mean we lose tons of senior people but with term limits seniority would no longer be as important. Why should being a good representative be a longevity thing that requires decades to get some magical power?

If there should be any kind of metric that keeps representatives in office it should be a results based system. And not just getting bills passed, getting bills that achieve the objective goals they set out to achieve. Legislation that does not achieve those goals should automatically sunset and something new should be tried.

People who just want to make government a career should be in what the Brits call "the civil service" where you're employed and if you suck you're fired but you're fired on merit based measures won't because the latest jackass doesn't like you or what he assumes your politics are. Administration of the government should have objective measures set by legislation and those who are running them and don't meet those standard would get fired and IMO that would go right to the "CEO". Dereliction of your duties should be a firing offense aka impeachment for incompetence. Deciding you're just going to run all the bodies created to protect the American people into the ground - impeach. And no biased Senate over ruling because the Senate isn't a representation of We The People and more than the House of Lords in the UK is - it is a representation of land and the landed gentry. And old boys club that is well over due to be disbanded.

But I digress... please do get rid of the legalized bribery that is rotting America to the core.

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