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Does the thought of dying alone scare you?

EmeraldJewel 7 Apr 9

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No I have dealt with that when I became an atheist and determined this is all there is.


Nope, looking forward to it. I've been on this planet long enough. As long as its not long and painful.

@jioo087 Wow. I'm shocked someone agrees with me! I expected some backlash. Thank you and good luck to you as well!

Every living being is clinging to live ! I celebrate every morning when the sun rises, when I hear the birds singing.. the warm beams kissing the tip of the trees ..I am still alive, even though I experienced such horror during WWII , leaving me with traumatic memories ... I celebrate ever breath I can breathe ...


No, everybody dies alone. There may be other people present, but dying is a uniquely solitary experience.

marga Level 7 Apr 9, 2018

Nope, I have already built my pyre, just climb on the top and light a match.

Oh ..


I haven't had a fear of dying for about 12 years now. My fear was always about those I would leave behind and how they would be cared for. With my children grown and getting along on their own, I longer worry about that.


Rather be alone than take someone with me


I'm more concerned about dying slowly 🙂


The only thing about death that scares me is how I die. Short and no pain would be nice. Long and painful for everyone not so much.


Everyone dies alone allegedly ... though nobody has come back long enough to confirm it ! So no.


What do you mean? We all die alone.

I disagree and am witness to someone dying with loved ones around.

@JackPedigo That brings me to another business opportunity: witnesses to your death, if you can't stand the thought of dying alone.

It is not the same as with someone you love. The group which has been discussed at length on this site: Death with Dignity recently had a post where a couple in Oregon took the final meds. together in bed and died at the same time. I wonder if one dies alone when and if another is in their final thoughts??

@JackPedigo It seems unlikely to me. I think it is more like turning down the rheostat until the line is flat. But what do I know. I have not died before.

In my understanding.. You cannot go into the void accompanied.. is what is meant by everyone dies alone ... When you go down the tunnel of light and everything slows down you are alone .. People can be with you up to that point but they cannot travel down the void with you.. as you cannot tell them what it was to experience birth - I think that is the essence of it from my understanding 🙂


Never done it before so I don't know


Alone? Not so much... Lonely? Maybe. 🙂


We all die alone


Everybody dies alone, I don't want a death watch. Just leave me in a room on my own, or hopefully I woll have taken myself to sort things out.


We all die alone. It's nothing to be afraid about. You just fall asleep. Your journey is over.


I would say dying "lonely" would be worse than alone


We are born naked and alone. true there is a mother who will hold you (hopefully) moments later ... at the moment of death, we are alone. Family may be around for some .. but not always. I would like someone to hold my hand when I cross over ..

I think someone holding your hand would surely help ... I think everyone dies alone is just saying you go into the void alone .. people are taking it literally and it isn't meant to be literal 🙂 suppose if you do take it literally no matter who holds your hand once you enter the void nobody is there but you. That last bit of experience is only yours.

death is absolutely personal. whether someone is present is immaterial to me. it's a solo voyage with no return ticket.


No, I'll just go to the light !

How do you know that there is a light ?

@gemini31 Because I'll be in the crematorium !

.. and who said that there was alight ?

@gemini31 Nobody, but I'm sure there will be light when they put a match to me....

@Wolfbat Hahahaaa


I have no fear of dying, alone or otherwise.


Not really. Willnot die in a hospital or nursing home or hospice. Approved for Medical Cannabis I plan on staying in my own home.


If you're emphasizing the alone part, then not really. It's the expiration that I wrestle with.


It doesn't scare me, but I'd prefer not to.


No, but the thought of maggots eating my corpse scares the hell out of me. What if you can feel it?

Ahhhhh.... That's a thought (by the way, I am having lunch, thank you). For that precise reason, I have enforced procedures in place to be cremated when I die. Maggots will kiss my asshes....


I’m with Dylan Thomas on this one; “... rage, rage against the dying of the light.” Whether I rage alone matters not.

MBur Level 2 Apr 10, 2018

Not at all. I would prefer it to save someone emotionally attached that much grief.


I do not fear death.

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