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People ask me if I believe in life after death. I tell them, “I'm still trying to figure out the life after birth thing.”

Benthoven 8 Nov 26

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I do believe there is life after death. I have seen an example of it. My friend was struggling from nightmares, his ex boyfriend who died 3 years ago was haunted in my friend's dream. This started and continued for a month. My friend started being depressed due to this. She consulted a counselor for it, but they could not help her then her mother found Voyante Sérieuse a psychic which she found online. She talked to her, narrated her daughter's story. The psychic then talked to my friend as I was there I could hear what the psychic was telling my friend on the phone. So yes, there is life after the death, people start haunting another people after they die.

Is this an ad for Voyante?


Reminds me of the GOP wanting to be be pro-life but then not giving a toss for universal healthcare. Being born is the easier part of trying to live.


I tell them that I believe in life before death. I see some great blank expressions.

I'll have to remember that. I can only imagine the priceless looks.


My take on this 'life after death' idea is that death is exactly what it looks like. After I die I won't even know I'm dead because I won't be around anywhere to know I'm dead. It kinda puts a bit of 'zest' into being alive now.


Well, if there is. We'll find out the hard way. Theres no proof out there that can convince me of life after death.
Life after birth... me to brother, im trying too.

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