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LINK Europe sees new coronavirus peaks, countries set all-time case records - Business Insider

Ah Hell.

Europe's second wave is here: France and the UK recorded their highest daily COVID-19 cases ever, and the EU warned that some countries have worse outbreaks than in March

HippieChick58 9 Sep 25

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It’s not affecting those who are vaccinated nearly as much.


Millions will die........


Not a SECOND wave:::: flatten an orange and it squashes in all directions.

Single variable analysis leads to stupid conclusions. How many with symptoms? In hospital? ICU? Recovered,...

The assumption that new infections are new cases are new deaths is stupid.

This is how they maintain the fear, and justify their fascist control.


As the weather cools down, people will be spending a lot more time indoors... together.


Will the U.S. take in the lesson, or decide it is to "exceptional?"
I'm in Florida, where the restaurants can go to full open on Monday! Let's just kiss up to the Stable Jenus!

Florida’s got a good Governor with a lot of sense unlike a lot of the blue states who are run by raving idiots!


Yes this is going to be very sarcastic, to quote Gomer Pyle "well surprise surprise surprise" 😣


I live in Spain, which proportionate to its population has the highest of all surges, maxe worse by the fact that by May Spain had dropped its daily infections to negligible figures. Then tourism opened up, with drunken revellers, and the numbers started rising ever more rapidly.


Yep its coming back.

What's this "coming". It has come!

@Petter Well it certainly never completely went away.

@Fernapple It did in my area of Spain. It was zero for 6 successive weeks. Then, come the tourists, it sirged!

It has just begun. No second wave. The first wave will not be past for at least a year as the viri circles the world.

Squashing a curve just prolonged the experience. Lockdowns have failed in all ways.

The majority of deaths in michigan and ny were the result of the die in place orders. confinement in care homes,....

@Jacar Yep it is different in Europe, here it went down to a very low level, but is now climbing again.

@Jacar 1 million dead. and in 1918 the pandemic killed over 100 million people. How can you say lockdowns have failed when you have facts about previous pandemics from history. You have no respect for facts and science if you believe that lockdowns don't work. Your views are dangerous, ignorant and uninformed.

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