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What are your silliest/most unreasonable fears?

Mea 7 Apr 9

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Fear of answering such questions. I find them almost pathologically offensive.


Mosquitoes! OMG I hate the sound they make buzzing around my ears!




Bees. I've been known to literally run away from them. Just hearing the familiar buzz is enough to make my hair stand on end. Hell, just THINKING about that familiar buzz sound makes my hair stand on end.

When I was a kid I had very irrational fear of large bodies of water and as a result I never learned how to swim.


Anything with more than four legs.


Fear of success, oddly. Fear that everything I write is crap. Fear of rejection. Fear I have had no psitive affect on any one. Fear of not being found attractive or interesting.




I have a fear of being laughed at or ridiculed. Funny thing is, I have been both laughed at and ridiculed and I just rolled with it. So its really only a fear in MY mind.


Zero, life is too short to carry fear with you, and one of the many reasons I disdain religion.



Good lord, man; what did a banjo ever do to you?

@Condor5 l hate the sound of banjos. The only thing worse are bagpipes. My favorite sound is bagpipes being thrown in a dumpster landing on a banjo. ☺

@Sticks48 OMG! You'd go out of your mind listening to my music.

@Condor5 Could be. 🙂


I have had a fear of something for most of my life and I never have figured out why. It's the FBI warning flash at the beginning or ending of movies. It's not the warning. It's the eerie silence while it's on the screen. I've always been creeped out by it and I am still to this day.

I feel you, dude. Makes you think guilty until proven innocent, doesn't it?


Being naked on stage.


Twin girls standing in front of elevators.


Cockroaches, I have them, and they are worse when you kill them. My other fears are all rational.

Fucking zombie cockaroaches, absolutely the worst.


Hights and open spaces


Snakes. I can't even look at them in books or on TV. I also have a "thing" about looking at clusters of small circles.

Lani Level 5 Apr 9, 2018


@Mea is that what's it's called? It creeps me out!

@Lani yes,that's what it's called, lol.



At 4 y/o I asked if at the bottom of the Patagonian's rivers (which are crystal clear) sharks were swimming. My "adorable 18 y/o sister" placed my head under water for an eternity to show me no sharks were around. Since them I don't swim with my head under the water. LOL

"What has been seen, cannot be unseen."


Utterly irrational but I get genuinely scared that there is a werewolf about. Even as I know perfectly well that they are fictional.

I know how you feel. I'm like that with catamounts. When I go down into this one canyon where I live, my head is on a swivel looking for them.


I am terrified of balloons, and I have no idea where it came from. It only appeared as an adult and it has gotten worse over time.

Hey, Georgie!

I freaking hate clowns....

We all float down here!


Spider running across my belly while's happened once..well, that I'm aware was freaky..and Not in a good way..

I had one run across my leg while sleeping. It also wasn't pleasant!

@Mea freaky ain't it? woke up out of a deep sleep..(shivvvverrrs)

How'd you know it was a spider if you were sleeping?

@Condor5 well it woke me up--I turned the light on and saw it scampering away, so.

@Mea cool.

@Condor5 I felt the 8 little legs runing Across my belly..

@Charlene Eeeeeeewwwww! I HATE those things! They're just fucking creepy, aren't they?


I'm afraid I'll run out of cold beer. Which is way silly because--wait, I have to go check the fridge...

I am with you... some people run out of weed ... I buy weed when I have enough weed to last one week left .. same goes with beer .. there is no run out if you think hard enough lol ! Respect ..

@Nickbeee, I never run out of weed, and I never pay for it. I have very good friends, and I don't indulge that often.

@Condor5 I am spoilt to although not that spoilt lol !!! Nice one .. It's not too hard when you think is it 🙂

@Nickbeee brother, I'm sorry to say I had to give up thinking a few years ago. It was getting me into too much trouble. You'll learn that when you get old, like me.

@Condor5 Haha, I am okay with it sometimes !!! it's got me into some wild interesting places, some of them good. I'm well into taoism though so I do like to switch it all right off quite often .. Much respect matey.

@Nickbeee Lao Tsu? That taoism? Nice. I have a theory that stoicism is the western counterpoint to zen. What do you think?

@Condor5 Stoicism I think has the same aims from a different direction completely ! Betterment is the common ground.. Stoicism is restraint practiced. Taoism is practicing being .. feeling everything - being everything in the moment not past or future. Through meditative detachment. So by thinking nothing you empty yourself of feeling and attachment for a moment really in order to really be able to fully utilise the whole of your being .. In taoism it's okay to call a fuck face a fuckface - in fact its encouraged if justifiable !! so differs from a lot of ways in that sense.. Think that is where it's missed a bit misunderstood !

@Nickbeee being, now; yes, I try to live that way. But, as you note, if betterment is the common ground, I'm compelled to think that is a "goal", and to me, goals imply future thought, not a concentration on/or immersion in the present. How's that reconciled?

Hey, you ever listen to Russell Brand? Whattaya think about him?


Having to pee really bad during a long, free-fall to my death. Some things, you just really dread having to 'take with you'. 😮


I have to at least have a sheet covering me at night because the “ax man” can’t get me if I have a sheet on.


I'm scared of Sam's Club

Me tooo...Lololololololololol

@Charlene ever since I was 6 I would have panic attacks in there lol, now I can't even think about going in there without anxiety

@LadyAlyxandrea kmart is worse for me..

@Scotttheshot dunno. Can't for the life of me figure it out

Well it is kinda big and the stuff is mostly in bulk. So yeah, I don't get what is so scary either.


Donald Trump is immortal!!!

@Scotttheshot Hopefully just the first one.. Too stupid to be immortal hopefully ..

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