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LINK Facebook, Twitter And TikTok Say Wishing Trump's Death From COVID Is Not Allowed : Live Updates: Trump Tests Positive For Coronavirus : NPR

As reaction to President Trump's positive coronavirus test floods social media, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok have a message to users: Wishing for the president to die is not allowed.
All three tech companies confirmed that such posts will be removed for violating each platform's content policies.

For the record, it's also not allowed on

TheMiddleWay 8 Oct 2

Enjoy being online again!

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1- why should emotions about death or disease or just bad circumstances be limited to sadness or wishing for only certain outcomes for only certain people?

2- social media is a huge part of why DT exists, much less became president. Them defending him isnt surprising, nor does it show any value system beyond greed

3- he might not get charged in court, but between Trumps immigration policy, detainment camps, virus response, his foreign policy, his inadequate social programs, his pro business looking the other way, education system negligence, and his encouragement of LE brutality, hes got the blood of tens of thousands on his hands. No sympathy for what life deals him. I don't feel sorry for many other criminals either, I support the death penalty, and I certainly don't think theres some weird carve out where horrible people who die of natural causes automatically deserve sympathy.

4- youre not my real dad, and i have no idea why you think my feelings, or anyone elses here, are your concern.

5- youre also not admim, and it really sounds like youd rather run your own site, or at least participate on a more authortarian site.

@TheMiddleWay youre correct that my right to comment is the same as yours, though im not telling other people what to do/think/say, and you are- i think that deserves a very different level of clap back, since its no longer a discussion; youre literally threatening people with being banned, or claiming theyre harming the community.

Your claim that admin gave you the right, to act as his minion, is unverifiable. No one knows what status you have, if any, but your absolute commitment to the belief that your beliefs are righter than mine(anyone else), goes against my core principles about the right to own our own sentience. So i will say something, and i will state it publically.


Let's follow the decisions of others.. Let's be sheep.. Yes? No.... The truth is, many people hope Trump dies... And suspend someone's account would practically turn this community into a ghost town.. And I don't think it's fair or right that an account be suspended because of something someone thinks, hopes or wishes... That's policing of one's mind...

I agree with you, though I personally do not agree with expressing these sentiments of "wishing ____ dead". I am sure in the most authoritarian nations people are very guarded in what they say online and everywhere. To a certain extent it's where social correction should be coming in from others, I know there is a term for it in sociology, the process I am thinking off, but this is how it should be addressed not through censorship. And because this doesn't happen nearly enough in our modern culture it creates a wide array of problems; society is going off the rails for this reason.


People in war-torn zones call for their leaders death. They do so openly in the street, on social media and on television. How is USA not a war-torn zone. They have a leader so racist and hateful and shoves his arrogance around. He condones and provokes violence. ...and when given the opportunity to condemn racist groups, he backs off. You cannot be sane enough to think people don't want him dead inside and outside his country.
I'm not vengeful and hateful or hurtful. ....but don't suppress those people's utterances just because you manage the admin on here. ...or you feel a duty to USA, being a Chilean who benefited from opportunities there, who have studied and qualified and now work in your profession in the USA? ...but you surely cannot ignore the hardships of the country's very OWN citizens who are targeted daily and prevent them from speaking their mind on here. You're shutting them up as if you're a militant force yourself. How much space are in USA jails right now for everyone that utter death at his name. I know what South Africans think and say right now, and they are doing it openly on our chat groups. Are they going to send the military in here or are you going to tip them off? I'm asking.

@TheMiddleWay There was a jail term and a fine for misinformation on Covid19.
....but the USA President didn't care about that, he uttered nonsense at every opportunity. Think about that. ...and because he didn't act as fast enough as he was supposed to, when had the information to guide and educate a nation, he chose to dismiss those warnings as important. ...and It cost thousands of lives. You think those families don't wish the worst.

@TheMiddleWay I didn't read anyone wish anyone dead on here.


I don't like hearing the "wish you dead" comments, but should social media really be censoring in this way? What about free speech? It's like free speech now has been sold and is owned by a business.

Some of the stuff that is getting banned is utterly ridiculous. It's like we are getting controlled by these tech companies. This is not right and feels like we are living in an authoritarian state.

The Constitution guarantees the government will not prevent free speech. Thus, the government cannot stop you from not listening to someone else, nor force you to relay a message from one person to another. A business is not the government, but is formed by a person or several people who have the right of free sperch. Consequently, a business has the right of free speech, and cannot be compelled by the government to relay every message from one person to another. In other words, the company executives can exercise their free speech rights to block messages from one person to another on equipment owned by the business.

@EdEarl Yes. And these business owners are put in a position of responsibilty, I understand. But where do you draw the line? It's really giving up too much. Some places should just be completely free speech, although I understand it would just create heaps of really useless ideas. The trend on some of these social media companies is definately for the left and I feel they are attempting to sway people's minds in that direction this time around. But that is very bothersome because I think now it's just a very bad step in the wrong direction.

@TheMiddleWay Yup. Administration created as a refuge for bigots as Administration was unhappy at the LIBERAL/Progressive slant that Agnostic has attracted. I think therefore I am anti Trump. Administration has deleted several of my posts which were mild compared to my beginning here. But at least here I am free of the book bangers.

@TheMiddleWay Well I don't want to sound like I am calling you a liar, but different ppl can have different interpretations of the same words. Publicly advocating "...death to all jews, to the subjugation of women, and for violence against protesters" seems like ideas that would only be held by extremely fringed people and groups in 2020. People who may have added issues that go beyond just political beliefs, but rather concerns that are more psychological in nature. And the last concern "violence against protesters" I will acknowledge I have seen becoming more commonplace, mainstreamed. And this is problematic. I would hope that society would severely castigate these sources of ideas. What role does social media have in the process? Shut the speech up or CORRECT the thought process that underlies it. When someone publicly makes these statements they should be held to them and challenged, not allowing them to just sit unchecked. A community agreeance that the ideas are not acceptable.

And I agree with all of this myself "How about we not wish people who have different opinions in US dead? How about we not wish whole groups of people dead merely for being that group, be a jewish, democrat, black, women?" Some people express themselves in extremely grossly exaggerated terms. I would think most people would agree and as a group just not let it stand as the acceptable option/opinion.

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