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Opinions about Myers-Briggs Type Indicator?

Does anyone have experience with MBTI? I have taken the test and feel like it’s very accurate for me. I have heard some say it’s pseudoscience. What’s your type? I’m INFJ.

babsy 6 Apr 9

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30 comments (26 - 30)

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It was big 20 or so years ago,
I put no thought into it at all. May as well be astrology to me.


I have taken it more than once and have gotten the same: INFJ. I have to say, it made me feel better.....It was validating. I don't know how scientific it is but I agree with my result.


I came out ENTJ-A Commander. About where I ususlly end up on a leadership matrix.


Taken the online version several times and can't recall the last letter


ENTJ here. Have followed this for ages. The 16 profile types have always proven true from my observation.
I still look for other ENTJ or INFJ for compatibility or at least ENTP but when you add being an atheist, its like looking for unicorns.

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