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You know what type of person would rejoice in one of their political rivals catching a deadly disease or even be downright gleeful at the possibility of their demise?
Be better than Trump, people...

TheMiddleWay 8 Oct 3

Enjoy being online again!

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I feel no obligation to be "better" than trump. I hope he suffers all the same horrible symptoms that the other victims of his greed and selfishness have suffered.

@TheMiddleWay I think your complain is inappropriate.



Apologies meant to add, A South African comments on "that" debate last week.

...and Trevor Noah says it like it is:


Trump is not my political rival (im guessing thats true for everyone on this site). Trump is, however and agent of suffering and death for many around me, and is actively diminishing the chances the US will ever be able to recover as a nation. Im happy that DT will be dead sooner than later, and sooner is better than later.

I hope admin has at least asked you to stop trying to drag him into your catholic self flagellation about the contrast between ideals and reality.

Admin is too busy to even look at this nonsense... ☺

a person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in the same field of activity.

You seem to have difficulties with the English language...

@TheMiddleWay what CB said regarding definitions. I wish you luck on your crusade. As I've mentioned in a previously, if you're looking for like minds to join your cause, youre on the wrong site.

@TheMiddleWay butthurt is the realm of men.. I've seen many boys here trying to reinterpret the definitions of words to support their nonsense.. You're not as intelligent as you think.. Are there any words here that you wish to redefine? 😂😂

@TheMiddleWay and making fun of my username is very childish... That shows an evidence of a weak mind.. Not a middle way mind.. I feel sorry for you comrade. Tell Putin you're a failure...


I'd rather see him in prison myself.


Becuz you tell me to?


So judgemental.. Based on a singular issue...

@TheMiddleWay actions don't judge.. People judge...

@Cutiebeauty especially @MiddleWay

@TheMiddleWay again, I repeat, people judge, actions don't.. Look to yourself why you are so judgemental... Trump judges also..

@TheMiddleWay, @AnneWimsey yes, he is quite judgemental whenever People don't agree with him..

@TheMiddleWay this is one of the stupidest nastiest things you have ever written...and true only in your cesspool of a mind!
How dare you sit in judgement?
Oh, wait, this is about the 15th time I have asked you that same question.......

@TheMiddleWay make trump my teacher? That's ridiculous.. Wishing someone dead is dramatically opposed to this.. Are you a right fighter? A person who fights to be right? And brings up stupid shit just so you can be right?

@TheMiddleWay irrelevant.. I haven't mocked Hilary.. I really don't understand why you even mention Hilary... Still grasping at straws to be a right fighter?

@TheMiddleWay Yes, he was a bully during his initial campaigning. When he mocked the disabled reporter as well, though, I just read something that said media lied and took his imitations of a flustered man and presented it as mockery of a disability.

@TheMiddleWay It's bad that it was just pushed like that, put out there in that way. It's terrible. If it was not that it should have never been presented as such. I do believe it may be true there was no mockery in the disability incident as he is also appearing to flail his arms in this video you posted above regarding Clinton. The Clinton mocking is not typical presidential behavior, it comes across as either childish or someone who is exasperated with a situation. He is in a very similar situation now himself with the covid infection. I'm sure there will be plenty of negativity. Maybe not from Biden because his people say "negativity will lose votes", so it's the winning tactic of the moment, but where was the possible future leader when the riotous madness was in full swing all over the nation? I don't remember hearing ANYTHING from Biden at the time and "Silence is Violence", right? That's what people say.

@TheMiddleWay trump and his followers bring up Hilary frequently as well as Obama... You bring up Hilary here.. Is trump now your teacher?
You're doing the same thing he does...

@TheMiddleWay you can't explain. You're cornered and grow quiet... 😂


He ALMOST makes me believe in karma here.....

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