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LINK Goldman Sachs: A Democratic sweep would mean faster economic recovery - CNN

President Donald Trump is once again warning voters that Democrats would "shut our economy and jobs down" if they win in November.
Goldman Sachs is telling its clients the exact opposite.

snytiger6 9 Oct 7

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Anybody paying attention knows that Goldman Sucks only cares about the stock market and the economy for the 1%, not how the economy affects the 99%.

Exactly why this is a story, when Trump also only cares about the top 1%.


Sachs is telling the truth and Trump is telling lies that sheep will believe. More people need to think for themselves. Of course with religion out there that is hard to do.


Absolutely true!!! Republican economic ideology has always been a bunch of garbage. Democratic economic thrusts would benefit a far greater number of Americans. As Paul Krugman said, the real job creators are a rising middle class with money to spend.

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