I don't think there is any "maybe" about it.
From my fundamentalist Christian upbringing I can assure you that Christians in that culture base their entire self worth, morality wise, on moral outrage against abortion and homosexuality.
In their weird little minds it’s not abortion it’s killing babies.
Like liberals having abortion parties as entertainment baby killing.
Yes I have tried hard to explain that no one is pro abortion, we’re just keeping the decision where it belongs. It’s no use it’s like trying to teach them how to set the clock on their VCR, after the thirtieth time you realize it’ll never happen.
As for homosexuality God hates it so much he destroyed the city of Sodom. So I guess it’s the sodomy that bugs them. Yet they ignore the romance between Jonathan and David “Your love is sweeter then the love of a woman” David tells his boy toy. David a man that reminded God of himself.
Maybe the attempted rape was what God got pissed over?
Not the homosexuality?
It would be easier if they didn’t believe the Bible but that’s their god, no chance they’ll give on that point.
You better explain what a VCR is.