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Everyone voting? I voted today.

SquirrelFish 3 Oct 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Early voting here begins Saturday. I'll go to the closest library.


..voted weeks ago, posted ‘that’ here… no one cared 😉

Varn Level 8 Oct 20, 2020

I care, and thank you for voting.


Hand delivered my ballot along with my neighbors. Passed up the ballot box outside.
I'm not trusting anyone.


In Week One. I also voted for my town’s proposed marijuana shop.


I also handed my ballot in to our Election Dept. I would not have trusted the mail even if NoJoy wasn't suppressing votes. Good on all of you who have voted already.


Yep, in and out in less than 10 minutes, mild cold front and overcast skies that day, lines are back now.


Yep! I did early in-person voting last Friday.


In person voting in MN not available until 10/27, didn't want to risk it. 😮

No longer trusting USPS, I hand-delivered my mail-in ballot to the local gov't center two weeks ago 10/5. 🙂


I'm going to drop mine off this week rather than mail it just in case the Orange Buffoon finds a way to have the mail in ballots not counted.


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