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As a child, did you have a lot of sleepovers? That includes going to other peoples houses to sleep over. I had fun with sleepovers because me and my friends would talk about the future and weird stuff.

jigsaw 5 Oct 25

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In grade school, I had a friend sleep over. My dad must have pulled some funny business on her, while I was in the bathroom. She ended up sleeping in my closet because of it, and never slept over again. Because of the deep down knowing that my dad acted inappropriately with girls and women, I never tried another sleepover and rarely had friends over while my dad was home.

Whatever I missed out on, I caught up with silliness other sleepovers had by watching movies and such. Better than subjecting any more of my friends to my dad's inappropriate advances. (This was way before any awareness was publicized about such behavior.)

Sorry my response isn't silly or fun, but real. 😐

That is okay to share some bad memories and I wish that never happened to the girl and for you. Take care.


Yes! I often would spend the night with friends or family. Sometimes they'd stay at mine. In elementary it was mostly cartoons and junk food, middle school was sex and alcohol/pot, high school I started dating and focused on my relationship. I don't have many friends now (none from then) and I don't speak with family.


Yes, we did. We made up weird stories, sang goofy songs,and talked about boys.


No, I never did a sleepover or hosted one, I’ve never been popular in the South because they’re into conformity and I couldn’t conform if I wanted to (I did want to long ago) I don’t understand conformity in any way and I was abused throughout my youth for it. I was also too white, and asked questions that made adults think I was possessed.
Basically I was raised by werewolves and never fit in.


Not as a child, but in my later teens I was a biy scout. I never had a guest overnight, or ever was a guest overnight.


I had few sleep overs but we had over night camp outs ,lot of fun and memories


Yes, I had sleepovers with girl friends. It was fun.

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