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Trump's executive order

What do you all think the long term ramifications of Trump's executive order to allow religious groups, the church, to financially support thier political candidate?

lem31167 5 Nov 27

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I think any group or organizations should be able to show support for whomever they want. Including any non religious group or organization. Which is why we need to be organized. As far as long term I don't they will gain anything financially. People are only going to hand out so much for campaign contributions wether it's on their own or through the church.


I sure hope there is a complete backlash on most everything he does.

gearl Level 8 Nov 27, 2017

Trump is such an ass. That will be the biggest mess ever. So much for getting big money out of politics.


If church's are going to get involved in politics, then they need to pay taxes just like the rest of us who vote and have paid for our right to have a say.


I hear ya. Tax tax tax thier ass.


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