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LINK Has The Trump Civil War Begun? - YouTube

I've long been a fan of Thom Hartmann. I highly recommend his book "The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight", about the environmental impact of fossil fuels.

snytiger6 9 Oct 27

Enjoy being online again!

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We've been knowing this was going on.
BLM is a peaceful movement, because it has to be.
These right wing jack offs are using tactics from Charlie Manson's play book and it's been clear as vodka since the beginning.
It's the Reichstag fire all over again.
This isn't independent of Trump, he's behind it and counting on it.
That's why he was trying his best to strong arm Governors to let him send in the National Guard.
This is a concerted effort to destroy Democracy.


I believe this is happening in my city as we speak. It's gonna cost Joe Biden Pennsylvania and it's too convenient. Right wing provocateurs are going to force the governor to call out National Guard less than a week before the election. That's why I'm so pessimistic today. I'm watching it right before my eyes.

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