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Ah, Florida. My home state. Lots of nut cases here.


Fake names and fake titles and sometimes getting their jollies by telling young children they are going to hell and watching them cry. It's surprising that so many today claim we have to get to the young early and they actually believe we need this. It's barbaric.


Oh I wish a character coach would meet my
15yo self or my class mates. Religion had no purchase among us, science was our creed. We'd rip him apart. Kids arent dumb. They can spot a fake super fast.

If anything the goody two shoes would obey out of respect but still never believe.


How false is their god that to get to you they have to sneak up on you with fake names and fake titles?


I recall how Christians pushed to be allowed access to public schools under the guise of allowing all religions access to schools. Then they got upset when an atheist group dsveloped a presentation to school kids, and again when the Satanist wanted their turn talking with students. (The Church of Satan learned their lesfon from Oklahoma's attempt to protect a 10 Commandments monument in front of the courthouse). No wonder how these Christains would react if atheists or Satanists took their same tact to access their kids as Character Coaches".

The idiot brigade are enamoured of their stupidity.


The problem with fervent believers in religious (or religious-like) dogmatic ideology, is some won’t stop until everyone else believes. It’s particularly insidious and speaks volumes when they try to infect children.

Mvtt Level 7 Oct 29, 2020

I see that the corresponding Facebook post has been deleted.

It saddens me that school administrators allow children to be exposed to such malefactors, and I see it as a symptom of a wider malaise that currently exists in the United States of America.


If they are character coaches, they acting outside of their theocratic boundaries and should therefore be taxed.

Or, just don't allow preachers in schools.

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