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What’s one thing people would never know about you just by looking at you?

Wildgreens 8 Oct 31

Enjoy being online again!

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That I used to have hair down to my waist.


no idea...
don't know how anyone can know anything about another by just looking at them...

...unless you're Sherlock Holmes, of course...


To many things to mention. If I open my mouth...well..that's another story.
I was in a store, they didn't have the one item I went in after, I said 'well fuck' , saw a woman to the side stiffen her back, she turned, it was my fucking sister
True story 😀


That I’m from The Beaver State

Varn Level 8 Nov 1, 2020

I am pleased to say that there is nothing of significance. I am a pure. "What you see, is what you get."

Though I have been mistaken for a Christian now and again. Mainly by people who think that if you are an old, ugly, bald, red neck, who lives in a village you must be a Christian as well. But they don't know that I can read books, and even understand some of it. So that could be my dark secret. LOL


I have almost died, bled to death, ran out of blood platelets. Have never bought illegal drugs. I am Dyslexic and have a mild form of Tourette's, one would have to look for a time to see this.

That's odd. I could have writen that, and it would be true.

I suffer from both Job and Trump induced Tourette's syndrome. Flat tire induced Tourette's has been an issue as well, and broken nail, etc...

@Willow_Wisp ". . . Trump induced Tourette's syndrome". . . . Among those bright enough to recognize tRump's (insert fact based explatives here), I'm rather sure you are not alone with that condition.


One thing?

Most attributes that define the core of who I am can not be assessed by analyzing my physical appearance.

That I am an atheist that has helped several theists recover from their superstition based indoctrination of faith over facts surprises many as in these parts, non-theists are exceptionally rare.


I am not going to tell you my secrets.





Almost everything.
Like everyone else.


I have no idea what to say.

Maybe you could meditate on that. 👍


That I look really old, but I am!


I pick my nose...😳

Only you would say that.
You are too cute. 😂🤣

@Wildgreens well somebody had to say it..😁


I have questions :
Are they just looking of me while I am doing nothing / quiet , or m I talking / working / w friends ?


I weigh 255 but look like I weigh 200.

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