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LINK Christian “Apostle”: We Must “Literally Release the Aroma of Christ” When Voting | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

It’s not weird that a group of Christians held a “Virtual Prayer Meeting” last night, just before Election Day. But it’s definitely weird that Texas-based “Apostle” Thomas Schlueter said Christians would literally — he said “literally”! — be covered in the “aroma of Christ” in the polling booth, and that the scent would be picked up by other voters, which would lead them to vote for “righteousness”… i.e. Donald Trump.

snytiger6 9 Nov 3

Enjoy being online again!

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What the hell they smoking in Texas?


So they want me to fart in the voting booth? I don't get it........

After 3 days dead, possibly the closest, but then he did get washed up a little 😂

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