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As COVID-19 rages on it even changes how we have to baptize a child these days.

DenoPenno 9 Nov 7

Enjoy being online again!

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I was at my grandaughters first communin on the weekend,large church ,held it in two or three separate ones with social distancing applied plus mandatory masks and only 6 people per family could attend ,went off well ,went to a restaurant after wards to celelbrate everyone was on the outside patio 20 degrees ,we had the whole inside to our selves but was mid afternoon so made a big difference


Seen this before still funny


I laughed out loud. What a funny solution!

Don't shoot the baby's eyes.

I stole this from someone in Meet Me. That's where I found it and I thought it was hilarious.


Hahaha! I was imagining buckets of water and someone shouting something about god.


Holy water gun, batman! No longer a individual sprinkling or dunking, they could pull out the fire hoses and baptize the entire neighborhood in one service.

Word Level 8 Nov 8, 2020

Be sure to wear your underwater masks for the baptisms!

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