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Can a conservative News outlet survive if they speak in facts?

Are conservative news outlet stuck propagandizing reality?

paul1967 8 Nov 23

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Reactionary news outlets cater to reactionary people. And they aren't partial to facts!


I used to think agnostics and atheist people were generally better and distinguishing the differences between lies and the truth because evidence is the source of our decision making process. I thought this until I met Republican Atheists. It’s as if political BS detectors in our brain use a different set of criteria that doesn’t require evidence for political evaluations.


NO. We have to also be aware that today the news is much like the National Enquirer. It will remain this way because of a desire to keep up with other agencies and the power of the advertisers. Trump wants to start a conservative news outlet to get even with Rupert Murdoch but I see Trump as losing again because his time would be spent in arguing with his advertisers.


If any news outlet is dealing in facts, then they're neither liberal nor conservative. They may have opinion commentators of either stripe (or both), but news reporting itself is not- or shouldn't be- inherently one or the other.

People who talk about a "liberal" media should look at the treatment given Al Gore vs George W. Bush, where the stories on each candidate were found in an academic study to be about equally favorable, but with many fewer neutral stories and a lot more unfavorable stories on Gore. The press decided a narrative in which Gore was a serial exaggerator, and then- rather than check the facts of the stories- they simply repeated one another over and over. ("Gore Exaggerates Again!" "Al Gore- Chronic Exaggerator or Liar?"" ) Example- Gore never claimed to have "invented" the internet, in the sense that he personally wrote computer code. Gore was behind the bill that founded DARPA, which led to the invention of DARPAnet, which became the internet as we eventually would know it. What he actually said, in an interview with Wolf Blitzer, was "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system." But it was too much work to look up the original quote, when repeating "Gore claims he invented the Internet" was so easy and entertaining to boot.

Likewise, when John Kerry ran for President, the supposedly liberal media gave several consecutive news cycles to the allegations of the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth"- most of whom were not veterans from the Swift boats and none of whom were peddling the truth. But for fear of being labeled with a liberal bias, they reported slanderous allegations against Kerry uncritically and without fact checking or researching for themselves. This is not a sign of a "liberal" media; it's a media bending over backwards to avoid taking sides, and so playing into the hands of the actually biased conservative outlets like Fox, which make no bones about which party they prefer.

I’m not saying that CNN goes out of its way to investigate scandals involving left wing individuals or gives airtime to valid stories because it might hurt the liberal agenda, and that is dishonest for sure. However, there’s a huge crazy difference between CNN reporting and OAN or Fox News. They angrily make up things to ensure their conservative viewers stay angry at the left. (This is not a fact, it’s my observation and opinion)

@paul1967 During the Clinton predidency, CNN was All Whitewater, All Monica, All the Time; despite the fact that Whitewater proved to be noting more than a shady land deal in which some of Bill and Hilary's associates had a role, and the Monica Lewinsky affair was completely unconnected to the Paula Jones lawsuit. Her name came up as the result of a fishing expedition by Jones' lawyers into Clinton's private life, a deliberate strategy to find women with whom he had had relationships and then set him up in a perjury trap. There actually was a right-wing conspiracy to undermine the Clinton presidency, and CNN played along because it was great ratings.

What we call "scandals" are generally on two levels: personal or public. If a politician or other prominent figure is involved in a personal scandal, i.e. had an extramarital fling, is outed as gay, whatever, that's generally not of any consequence to their public duties, and we shouldn't care what politicians get up to in their private lives between consenting adults- except when that person is reknowned for touting a high moral standard and criticizing others who have flings, are gay, whatever. Then they're hypocrites, and that's something we should know when evaluating this person as a candidate or spokesman for a cause.
A public scandal, on the other hand, involves malfeasance related to someone's official duties, such as cooking the books or misappropriating funds, flying government jets on personal trips, etc. Those are fair game all day and night.

CNN has covered its fair share of scandals across the spectrum. They've also been suckered into airing conservative conspiracy rubbish in the name of "fairness", thereby getting this stuff out into the mainstream when it rightfully should be left by the side of the road in the dumpster fire where they found it.




Probably not. Years ago conservative radio to shows learned if you can keep the stupid pissed off and afraid, even if you have to misslead and even lie, you could hold an audience. Murdock picked up on this and TA-DA Fox News. Fox is on cable because they are out of the reach of the FCC, which means they only have to worry about advertisers.


Sure, as long as the fact are alternative.


No they can't, and yes they are.

When outrage is your product the only path to success is to escalate. Hopefully we don't all die.

1of5 Level 8 Nov 24, 2020
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