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skado 9 Nov 26

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This hit the nail on the head.



What does the political ideology of any individual equate to their sexual orientation??

@Dicaron It doesn't. Who said it does?

@Dicaron I don't see where anyone said that, but I'd be willing to say that sexual orientation should inform, at least in part, political affiliation.

@JeffMurray I haven't actually looked are statistics but you are probably right. I would think most gay people lean left. You are also correct that nobody brought up the topic.

@barjoe I was making a claim more of what should be than what is. The Republicans have fucked over gay people more times than I can count. It's hard for me to imagine what kind of person would put other interests above basic human rights.

@JeffMurray There are gay Trump supporters. I think they're voting against their own interests. Most gay people that I know are progressive but I've known some who were right wingers.

@barjoe Yes, there are stupid black Trump supporters too. What should be, especially in this world, is often not what is.
Actually, I'd estimate 95-99% of Republicans are stupid people tricked into voting against their own interests with promises of wealth they'll never attain or moral platitudes, and 1-5% are greedy assholes voting like greedy assholes.

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