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Just because a person is agnostic doesn't mean that they have to believe in evolution and the same goes for atheists and theists. Do you believe in evolution?

waitingforgodo 8 Dec 5

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62 comments (51 - 62)

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Huh? How can you not believe it? What do you believe instead? And what is your belief based on?


The theory of evolution is too well supported with facts. Those who do deny it must rely on comments from well known biologists which are taken out of context and outright lies. It isn't as much a belief as it is an acceptance of the facts and understanding what these facts indicate in the context of the theory. New facts can adler the understanding of the theory and could (though doubtful, imo) discredit it entirely.


so if an agnostic or atheists don't believe in evolution, what do they believe in? Tooth fairies?

Everybody believes in something. I believe I'll have another beer.

@anglophone Not tooth fairies; dentists.



Can you tell us a bit more, waitingforgodot, about which comments were more reassuring?


Evolution is in the eye or ire of the beholder!!!

If you do not believe in or within actual facts and proven documentation that is your evolution of denial!!!


Evolution is no longer a theory. It is a scientific fact.

I don't buy the big bang theory, or the theory of creationism. That's why I call myself Theory #3 which is... we just don't know.


Do you believe in gravity?
Asking "do you believe" is wrong. Asking "do you understand"? is the question which should be asked.

If you ask "do you believe?" you suffer from uneducation.


This is getting ridiculous. SCIENCE IS KNOWN TESTED OBSERVED. MY CAT Laila10 has 6 thumbs....I never BELIEVE about her I KNOW HER AS LIVING PROOF how evolution works. This agnostic bullshit and believers alleged gawds needs to be flushed down a toilet. I am a Capital A Atheist and insist you quit insulting Atheists with xian fake dictionary adjectives.... I am a Proper Noun Atheist . period. I define my self not xian Noah Webster or xian INCOMPETENT academics who issue degrees in ignorance called divinity Degrees. If you're going to ask false leading questions @waitingforgodo you should add a T to your pseudonym and resolve to defeat theocracy patriarchy and ignorance NOT ENABLING bad boy beliefs weaponized by theocrats


If you eliminate evolution and god the choice is obvious. We crawled out from under a rock.


To me evolution and morality are irrelevant to the discussion. I do believe in evolution and it’s only a problem for some theists, because... they can say god did it that way and it helps us not a bit in determining if there is a god. Ditto for morality, it’s just saying I like these things these people said a good liked 2000 plus years ago.


Do i believe in evolution no. I accept it as as science belief is something you need when there is no evidence. So asking such a question on here is silly and are you trying to preach to us are do you enjoy asking silly questions.


The whole point of agnosticism is not to believe.

You cannot believe in evolution. You accept it based on the strength of the evidence and your understanding of it.
That is what make agnosticism so great... you can keep on developing it and change as you discover more evidence and your understanding grows.

And if you were wrong, great, you were wrong,
Learn and change!

Hanno Level 4 Dec 6, 2020
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