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Why did God make me an atheist?

To me, God, the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, and teddy bears are all in the same class.
The tooth fairy was adopted to console children as they passed the stage of losing teeth.
Santa Claus was adopted by those in cold climates so the dark, cold, dreariness of winter was replaced with the warmth of giving & receiving in anticipation of the warmth to come.
The teddy bear is a security blanket for many children. You Know better than to get between a mother Grizzly and her cub! And then there is God, just another stage to grow out of. Yes, many of us play the charade of belief for those of you still on the Journey to truth. .

But in reality do we all believe in God ? Is it not just semantics [definitions] or even a metaphor?
There are those who believe in an Anthropomorphic god [one with human like characteristics];
Or is god an ether swirling about the deep dark void” Is god a synonym for our fears and unsolved mysteries?

“In the beginning was the Word”
And words allowed us to share ideas. But ideas can only travel so far.
Then came writing. Next can printing and more & better paper [what a revolution].
The art of communication was coming!
The explosion of the circulation of ideas, knowledge & pictures of reality.
Radio, TV and now the newest revolution - the internet. and digital cameras.
Unfortunately; it includes misinformation exposing our bias as we search for anything that fits in our paradigm [our way of looking at or explaining the world & not true reality] it exposes the selection of our choices in sources of information.

What new paradigms will emerge?
Political power used to justify itself through divine authority. Today it uses religion to boast itself.
Will we understand that we are of one human family no matter what we believe or the politico we tout, but need to relieve, support, befriend & be truthful to one another.

We are on a Journey to truth.

The Creation hymn of the Rig Veda sums it up; in the beginning there was no air, no heavens, no water, no death and no immortality. Night and day did not exist and there was only the breathing of the One. Then somehow creation occurred. No one knows how this happened, and the Rig Veda speculates that possibly even the One does not know.

mzee 7 Dec 6

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Its all in the brain, our brain is creating our own reality. Thats why I don't believe in anything that is written down by humans. Sure science makes more sense than books about imaginaries things in the universe. So I stick with science.But there are new recoveries every week, so I don't believe in science, I pay attention to it and read it.
I don't pay attention to religious books at all.
If you have visions and ideas while meditating, thats great, but remember , all that is only happening in your own brain. Nobody else has the same reality, ever.


I usually never reply to these, but God came from man. Not the other way.


The more time goes forward in my life today the less I find myself wondering and worrying about these questions. Honestly, this is not something that keeps me awake at night.


It’s true that dreams and delusions are real to some. It’s called insanity.


Teddy bears are more useful than any perceived higher being.


Teddy bears really do exist.

dkp93 Level 8 Dec 6, 2020

Fuck all religions and by all, I mean ALL religions without exception!

Another knee-jerk reaction from @Mofo1953

@PBuck0145 Unlike you, I keep it real.

@Mofo1953 And yet another one.

@PBuck0145 ad infinitum.

You sound angry that religions exist! Did you let them do something to you?

@gwillett oh. I don't know, perhaps or just maybe because all religions are and were the main source of brainwashing, violence, misogyny, ignorance, baby killing, condonation of slavery and genocide in the world, so why should normal human beings who have some basic knowledge of history should bitch about those minor insignificant things, right?

@LifelongLearner for a long life of trying to learn it seems that you haven't learned shit.


And God so made Atheists, after much thought and consideration, so that He/She/It may at least have good in-depth conversations, discussions and debates WITHOUT the usual Yes Sir, of course Sir, you ARE ALWAYS right Sir." - William Anthony, 2020


The ridiculousness of a deity clued you in.

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