I have been a pagan since before she was born. But my daughter started going to a Presbyterian church. That’s why I say the quest for a god or afterlife is part of most people s DNA. Also, I think it was peer pressure that caused her to conform too (all her friends go to that church). I never tried to impose paganism on her. When she got about 18 that s what she chose. What would u atheist do if your child succumbed to Christianity pressure?
Bullshit, no gods are on our DNA. You failed to educate her properly, not on paganism which is another chickenshit belief, but on her using her mind to question everything and anything that is not supported by evidence or facts, like paganism for example.
I would ask them if they would be willing to discuss it. If yes, then do that, without condemnation of religion but with your reasons why you chose what you did. Also, ask them if they are willing to research, with you, religion and non-religion in general to get a wide variety of thoughts. There's nothing like education to let someone see the flaws in any indoctrination.