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LINK Letters From An American 12/08/2020

Today is the “safe harbor” date by which state presidential votes that have been certified will go forward to Congress, where they must be counted. While Wisconsin’s votes are delayed by a late challenge, Biden has enough votes to win the Electoral College handily even without those ten electoral votes (which he should still win).

HippieChick58 9 Dec 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm really pissed about the demand for info gathering on those who get the virus. NOT right.
DAMN it, we may be getting rid of trump on 1.20.2021 but we'll still have the gop supporters undermining everything.
The gop in Georgia is busy cutting down on early voting places, mostly of course in democratic counties. Also restricting mail in balloting. Unless the people of color, the poor and those who will and want to vote for the Democratic candidates get lots of help getting their votes cast I fear the gop efforts will succeed. 😟
Heather's on line video chat yesterday talked about treason. To me many gop party members are behaving in a seditious manner is a slippery slope of an accusation but that's just my opinion.


Can't get rid of Trump soon enough.

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