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LINK Indicted Planned Parenthood Shooter Tells Judge, “I Am Just a Religious Zealot” | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Robert L. Dear, Jr., the Christian terrorist accused of killing three people (including a police officer) during a rampage at a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic in 2015, was indicted by a federal grand jury today on 68 counts.

That’s not the same thing as being found guilty, but it’s an important step along that road. He’s now in custody, having been at the State Mental Hospital. He could face the death penalty if convicted.

snytiger6 9 Dec 10

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Again it happens in the United States of Absurdity, a Pro-Lifer Christian, self-proclaimed Zealot and "Warrior for Babies" MURDERS 3 PEOPLE willfully and knowingly whilst standing up against abortions.
Is it just me or is this an example of an oxymoron in extremis?
IF one claims to be so Pro-Life, then should not that person being totally and completely AGAINST the taking of lives, either unborn or living?


At least he knows.

Well he may know, BUT ,imo, he will still hang on to the belief that Sky Daddy will welcome him with open arms and praise him for being a Warrior for Christ and Babies.

@Triphid Well, how surprised he will be when that falls by the wayside.


I hope he gets life in prison.


I sincerely hope he gets that penalty and is put to death on public TV in a Prime Time Special. It's beyond time to start dishing out real fear to these zealots.

Lock him up for life would be the better punishment.

@xenoview Doesn't create the same sense of fear to the group. Kill him by a Firing Squad of atheists. That ought to scare them.

@xenoview Prison, imo, is way too good for garbage like that.
Lock the low-life Scumbag, Bottom-feeding piece of Pond scum in a padded cell for the term of his NATURAL life, feed him NOTHING but stale bread and dirty water, allow him NO Visitors, NO medical treatments, NO privileges and NO bible/s to read as well.
And keep the brightest of lights burning in his padded cell 24/7 and make certain he NEVER gets a moments sleep as well.

Killing him doesn't bring back the dead. Keeping him locked up takes his freedom away.

@Triphid So you're into torturing prisoners? I'd rather their death not make me look more craven.

@Triphid, @xenoview The penalty isn't about him. It's for those who think what he did might be good.

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