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What are your thoughts on Faith?

One of my biggest issues with religion is the whole concept of Faith, or in the religious sense, Blind Faith.

Arguments ALWAY loop back to "I just have Faith." I won't even continue arguing the topic because I know at that point that person has abandoned all logic and reason. It's an adult version of putting your fingers in your ears and yelling "La-La-La-La I can't hear you!!"

To believe in something solely for the sake of believing seems insane to me. Especially when their source is ONE BOOK! The insert religious texts here is not proof! Also, Christian Science is an oxymoron, and creationism is just bad science.

What are your thoughts on Faith? How can/do you rationalise it?

KDzo 4 Apr 12

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it is easy to dismiss Abrahams's "faith" and hence dismiss the Bible without realizing that the Bible plainly shows Abraham having so little "faith" that he went and slept with Hagar. Iow a conundrum is deliberately introduced that is not an accident, yet a religious person would never even entertain this convo, see

And the new testament chapter that most applauds his faith- Hebrews 11, (the "faith chapter" ) is on the most twisted of terms. The author explains that his faith was exemplary because he was willing to kill his son (when he heard voices) and that this faith included the reasoning that after he murdered his own offspring, that god could raise his son from the dead (Heb 11:17-19).

@KingofHarts well i would read that in the context of his peers offering their children to Molech, and understand that sacrificing Isaac was never going to be asked; and even sacrificing the ram is condemned elsewhere. "I desire mercy, not sacrifice."

@KingofHarts but fwiw i would abandon the religious interp entirely, and examine the passage as mythology. Don't think of Abe and Isaac as individual people iow

Abraham was a fictional character.

@Athos i would go with "mythological" there, somewhat different i guess. but yes.
fwiw "the Oaks of Mamre" = "inferior school of thought" believe it or not
"oaks" are...not good iow


You left out Intelligent Design.

JimG Level 8 Apr 12, 2018

So did God ? lol

@KDzo 😀


Faith is another word for belief and if you believe something to be true, it usually happens. This theory is based on quantum physics and can be scientifically tested. Words and emotions are also scientifically tested and proven to be a source of alchemy. We have an invisible, energetic forcefield around us that has materialistic properties behind it to manifest energy out of thin air. The same machines that can detect this invisible forcefield can also detect infrared, microwave and WiFi signals.
You literally have your scientific translation behind the religious interpretations of faith within the click of a button.
If your interested, I can show you some links.

Please do share the links, I'm curious to read up on that.
I can appreciate the statement "if you believe something to be true it usually happens" in the sense that, as the saying goes, "whether you believe you can or can't you're right." However, that statement might be a little too vague. There are lots of things you could believe to be true that will never come to fruition.
I also don't know much about alchemy, so I'd be curious to read up more on that piece too.
The forcefield piece is a little hard for me to accept, however I don't deny it. I do believe that there are abilities that we normally would not be able to access, or that we may just not understand how to utilize yet.

My post was more so speaking in regards to people who use "faith" or "God works in mysterious ways" to end an argument or to divert from a question. I would be doubtful the the people I speak of would have the same interpretation of "faith" that you speak of. I say that just based on how they use the term in the scenario I outlined.


My definition of faith is to believe in something without evidence, or despite evidence to the contrary. Faith is the antithesis of objectivity.

i would urge you to reflect on your willingness to fly on a plane, say, in relation to these concepts. Faith might more reasonably be the antithesis of subjectivity iow

@bbyrd009 There is plenty of evidence that my flight will arrive at its intended destination. Namely, the historical record of the airline. The flight log of the captain, etc. Care to try again?


There is a very fine line between faith and delusion...

So fine I can't see it.


When I get the "faith" argument, I ask the person to please name any other aspect of their lives in which they operate on only faith. When they give me the standard answers, I go into detail explaining why their reasons are not actually faith.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 15, 2018

As near as I can tell, I was born without a shread of faith. Is the sun coming up tomorrow? We shall see. I've always been puzzled by other people's faith. I once friended a woman that believed in fiber & juicing. Angels, aliens. Krishna, Jesus, Buddah, vitaman C and collidal silver solution. I did figure out pretty quick that she was nuts, but she was more fun than an entire bushel basket of Baptists. I'm not here for a long time, but I am here for a good time.

And I hope we meet 'the next time'.


I think that , like many things, it comes from fear. Fear that this life is all we have. Fear that the universe doesn't care about us. Fear of death. Fear makes you do(and believe) stupid things.


I do not. I permit others to have faith and see no value in challenging it.

I sometimes say “I have faith in one‘s ability to do X” when I really mean I have confidence. but in my case “faith” has an extra element of humor in it when I use it because it implies there is a supernatural element in my confidence. im a technologist, I work with highly complex over engineered systems that I am frequently surprised work at all, so I think it‘s funny.


I have always asserted the religious faith is a mental illness.
It is based on delusion. Delusion is a symptom of mental illness.


I think faith (aka hope or wishful thinking) is fien in the absence of facts.

However, when a person believes in spite fo the avaialbe facts taht crosses the line out of the rhelms of faith and into the rhelms of willful ignorance. This is the route mos treligions have taken, as facts disprove various parts of what they believe... they stil choose to believe in them despite evidence to the contrary.


Faith in the theological sense is an anti-intellectual evil, the veneration of fantasy over fact, the glorification of ignorance and an insult to human progress.
Faith say truth is a lie, reality is deception and thinking is a sin, faith is double think.
I loathe it.


Same as yours.


Its a way of kind of believing without actually saying so.


Good George Michael song. Blind Faith had a pretty good album. Other than that ... I have faith in the inherent goodness of man. Yes, I'm disappointed daily, but still i remain optimistic.


Faith is what people say when they know their belief system doesn’t pass a rational thinking system. I went to a Lutheran grade school and a day never went by when I didn’t hear that word a dozen times. It’s anti intellectual gibberish and a big reason I became an Atheist. I’m wired to discussions based on reason and facts.


I say the exact same thing


I have faith in my driving ability, my electrical repairs but not my plumbing skills, mostly in the airliners I ride in and in my kids. Some Sky fairy? Nawwww...


Blind Faith


It's a disease.

Like syphilis, or cancer, but nastier.


Depends on where the needle vsits on my gas gauge and if I know where I'm at. Faith needs hope, hope doesn't need faith.


I don't really think about it much because I am not sure I have any - Everybody in my early life abused me or let me down, so I gave up on people. I certainly don't have faith in most people. I don't need to trust because i learned to look out for myself . I wouldnt say I am strong but I am certainly self sufficient and don't see why I would blindly trust anyone with anything that is precious to me.


I agree with the OP in every way here except for one. The source of that unquestioning blind faith is not ONE BOOK. In the Christian religion it is at least 66 books bound as one and will be more if you are Catholic. It follows as a point of logic that these books do not and cannot agree with each other. They may appear not to disagree but that is another matter. A cookbook doesn't disagree with Harry Potter either.


It's a matter of defining our words, isn't it? We make a distinction between religious faith, which means believing things for which there is no evidence, or the evidence is contrary, and the faith we use in normal life, which is the equivalent of having confidence in something or someone, because we have good reasons for it.


I agree with you, faith and blind faith are dangerous, just look at all the religious cults that ended up with murder suicide, don't drink the Kool Aid! Faith is belief without evidence and I for one need evidence and that one book is NOT the evidence, it is the declaration that it is true without proof in ANY secular records from the time to verify the veracity of the claims which BTW were all made centuries after the supposeded facts.

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