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As the coronavirus explodes in North Carolina I'm at the point where if you do not take the virus seriously and you socialize as you normally would you could fucken piss off. I feel guilty about this, but its where Im at.

Kojaksmom 8 Dec 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Wanting to look after your own health and wellbeing is to be lauded. Anybody who does not take seriously the risk of Covid-19 deserves to suffer from it, even if it kills them.


If you lived in Europe, you would be made to feel guilty if you did not feel that way. For what it is worth therefore, there are hundreds of millions of people who feel just like you, your local area may not be a big enough sample of public opinion. Keep going you have a lot of moral support.


Why would you feel guilty about wanting stay safe? And being angry at people who are so selfrighteously self absorbed that they ignore the way they put other people's lives at risk, is an appropriate response.

Some of these people are friends that I hung out with. Now I have no interest in hanging out with them because of their selfishness. I even had one guy tell me people who stay home are boring.

@Kojaksmom It is interesting how our feelings for people can change so quickly. I had a long term friend for whom.I felt a lot if affection but one derogatory comment with regard to vaccines was enough for me to completely change my opinion of them and relegate them to the category of "idiots I don't need in my life."

@Cyklone yeah that's exactly how I felt.

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