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What's something good happening in your life right now/soon? Something you're excited about?

Let's celebrate some of the good things happening in our lives.
Share something you're excited for! 🙂
I only have a few more months of school before I finish my bachelor's in biological sciences and as a graduation present to myself, I'm going to get a puppy. I'm super excited to be so close to done with my degree and for getting a new companion. 🙂

Mea 7 Apr 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Vacation. And I started it with having the greatest hamburger you can buy in my whole state. First time in 20 years... and man, it bought back so many great feelings from my childhood. And it isn't that far away.

Guess what I'm doing at least one more time before the end of Vacay?


My grandson is graduating HS with a 4 point average. He's gotten a scholorship and will attend a college in Phoenix. So proud of him.


I'm moving to a cool town in New Mexico and of May from a truck stop town.
It's a nice truck stop an'all, but tiny. So I'm off to somewhere else.
They don't have a truck stop there though.....I'll miss the food.


AWWWWW! thats nice news. I am enjoying taking control of my life and even though I am soemtimes frightened of where I might be heading its quite good fun - no more Mrs Nice Guy.


Congratulations! I just finished up a degree in February. Feels SO good to be done. ?


I'm excited to be working on movies again. I was in a huge slump for a while where I just kind of stopped and wasn't sure if I wanted to keep going. But lately I've been rejuvinated. By some very cool people. 😉


New daddy!



I'm hitting the road for The Great American Road Trip. I'm so thrilled.




On Sunday, I will buy a car for a few hundred dollars with some guys from work. Over the next several months we will put some money into this crapcan of a car, after which we will drive it in a 24 hour endurance race, which we will try to finish before it breaks beyond our ability to fix it. It will be glorious.


Congratulations on your graduation and your puppy! My oldest son will be graduating with his Bachelor's degree in a few months, once he gets finished with student teaching. Then we will only have one more child to get through college. The good in my life right now is my family and how they keep me grounded. Things have been quite rough with my job recently, and they (especially my husband) have gone above and beyond to help me get through it all. I am really excited that my husband and I are planning a road trip, just the two of us in a couple of months. I can't wait.


Well, I found out that my school is renewing my teaching contract for next year soooo, I still have a job...🙂


I'm starting a new business, in an enjoyable field and great earning potential.


Getting ready to work out in the yard tomorrow. Clean up all the pine cones, leaves, and plant some perennials. It feels great to be alive!

ebdb Level 7 Apr 12, 2018

Hopefully starting a new career in cyber security soon.


Im creating a cactus garden in a corner of the yard where little will grow. Ordered 200 glow in the dark pebbles for it even though I havent even gotten the regular rocks yet.


I am about to level up on this site! Party time! Who’s coming? ?

Tear down the house!

Get wid it homie.


Now: coffee

Soon: vacation


More Yoga!


This website. Finally a place to openly say things. Almost brings a tear to my eye.
Congrats on your degree! Not enough people get to have that feeling of accomplishment these days.
And I guess the jury is out on the puppy decision. We can revisit that in six months and see how you’re doing. ?
All BS aside. Props on the BS.


Amicable divorce after 20 years. Moving to a place 've wated to live, buying a historic building, relocating my online business and opening at least 1 other business. Less than 2 weeks. Excited & nervcous.

MikaB Level 5 Apr 12, 2018

Avengers Infinity War comes out this month. That's my Christmas


Having graduated with a BA in Political Science, I took and passed a state certification course to become a substitute teacher. Deciding to complete college was the wisest career move I ever made. The happiness and confidence this has brought me, not to mention the much higher paying salary I make as a sub, gives me great satisfaction and solace. I wish you the best of luck once you have received your BS. Congrats!


Starting up a new relationship.


Still above the ground.


My ex wife is on a cruise ,So I get to spend everyday with them for the next week.

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