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A very interesting point.

Zoltans_Queen 6 Dec 14

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Got to make sure that legalized bribery keeps up with inflation. Anything else is not important to the system.


I didn't know this. It is an interesting point.


But what’s called American democracy is actually American oligarchy.

That’s a very few ruling very many. Nationally, 536 rule about 330 million.

It's true that America is an oligarchy, but not because it's 536 ruling 330 million, that's representative democracy. It's an oligarchy because those representatives are controlled by a small group of wealthy elites.

@RoboGraham I WROTE 536 rule 330 million. You READ something else.

@yvilletom 536 elected officials ruling 330 million people, that's representative government.

@Zoltans_Queen Ruling is not representing. They represent their donors, especially their major donors.


That's what I said. The representatives are controlled by a small wealthy elite and it's they who are the oligarchy.


Right, the representatives of the people actually represent their rich donors of the 1% and they rule the country.

So it's an oligarchy masquerading as a representative democracy.

@yvilletom You're right. The vast majority of them are millionaires, all of them with the best insurance, healthcare and pensions of any Americans who are not part of the oligarchy. Those things by themselves make them completely out of touch, with a few exceptions, from normal Americans who have to worry about paying the bills, getting evicted, etc. Then, when you add to it the fact that almost all of them take PAC money and sell themselves to big donors, almost none of them really represent the peasants and actually care about serving their interests.

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