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LINK Satire: Betsy DeVos Warns That Biden Will Pick Education Secretary with Background in Education | The New Yorker

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Calling the prospect a “nightmare scenario,” Betsy DeVos warned that President-elect Joe Biden will pick an Education Secretary with a background in education.

The outgoing Education Secretary warned that putting someone with a “pro-education bias” in her job would be like “naming a fox to be Secretary of Hens.”

snytiger6 9 Dec 18

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Jeebus what a concept......educators running the Education areas....who'd a thunk?


She so bad that Andy Borowitz can't even so her justice. She addressed her staff who will remain during transition and told them to resist. She doesn't want them to cooperate. "Let me leave you with this plea: Resist. Be the resistance against forces that will derail you from doing what's right for students. In everything you do, please put students first always." Her ultimate goal to destroy free public education in America. She's an awful person as is her brother Erik Prince, the Blackwater guy. Trump built a fascist government that will "resist" Biden's efforts to dismantle it.

We should call them "Evangefascists"

@racocn8 How about Fascigelicals?

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