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LINK Bombshell Report: Jared Kushner Set Up Shell Company That Diverted Campaign Cash to Trump Family Members

Jared Kushner helped set up a shell company that secretly President Donald Trump’s family members and spent nearly half of his 2020 campaign’s funds.

The president’s -in-law and White House senior adviser directed his sister-in-law Lara Trump, Vice President Mike Pence’s nephew John Pence and Trump campaign CFO Sean Dollman to sit on the shell company’s board, a source familiar with the operation told Business Insider.

The company, which was incorporated as American Made Media Consultants Corporation and American Made Media Consultants LLC, spent $6 million of the campaign’s $1.26 billion war chest, according to campaign finance records.

snytiger6 9 Dec 19

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My standard answer to trumpsters who keep posting crap like never give up, don't surrender andTrump is my president crap is "you know he needs more money to prove the fraud .Send him some money today please." They deserve to be builked out of every cent possible.

I just felt really mean when I said that but it also felt very good.

I just type "Snowflake" and let it go at that! LOL


Of course they did. The Trump family has been milking every cent they can from having the godfather elected to the presidency and given the keys to the treasury. I expect all of them to make a beeline for non extradition counties as soon as they can once the law starts catching up with them.

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