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We Need A Radio Show. All these conservatives (Beck, Prager, Rush, etc) and no major broadcasts from Non-Biblical minds. I think Atheists, agnostic, and non-biblical people can stand on one platform to compete with conservative Christians.

SocialDarwin 5 Dec 21

Enjoy being online again!

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There are some atheist platforms that speak out against religion and god. The thinking atheist, and the atheist experience.


i do my best to support atheist podcasts like the scathing atheists, cognitive dissonance, the thinking atheist, i think we do have some great people o support already.

Had the pleasure of meeting the scathing atheist and cog diss people. Both awesome shows.


There did used to be liberal talk radio. However, Clear Channel (a monopoly of radio stations), change the liberal talk radio format to sports broadcasting, because as a corporation they didn't care for the liberal message. At the time they did it, it was shortly after Thom Hartmann had rating that beat Rush Limbaugh. I suspect they were scared that liberal talk radio had a growing following. Who'd have guessed that commonsense was commercial....


Have you tried your NPR station? It is hard to rile up people without a lot of fear though and thats what conservative talk radio does.


Compete? Why compete with irrational-thinking people? 🤷

@DBlaine ( freedom from religion foundation ) has a Sunday radio show. Their website tells the names of stations that carry it. If none near you carries the show you can find it on youtube or their podcast. There’s also an atheist talk show in Austin TX I used to view on the web.


The gullible fund the whackos online and on air. Most atheists aren't that gullible, and don't want to fund people telling them things they already know. Who will pay for it?


We need to not so much compete as to match religious bullshit with reason and logic. The religious nuts jobs own the airwaves in much of America. Radio and TV is dominated by their ignorance. It will be extremely expensive to match. We need a bill gates type rich benefactor to make it happen. And a few logic and reason shock jocks🎶


There has to be a rich person out there that is Anti-Biblical!? That would wanta fund a show.


This site is a bit of a pain but their list of Atheist pods is decent!


Thanks for the list


Anyone serious about starting a YouTube channel or Podcast, and needs help starting - contact me.

Mvtt Level 7 Dec 22, 2020

I have a lot of material. I’m working on a book called the Posthuman Manifesto. What I’m not good at is Internet stuff, blogs, etc. I grew up b4 the web. I’m gonna message u one of my short papers

Well I tried to message u but I think the file was too big. Anyway, if u want to email my email is

Have you listened to Seth Andrews on The Thinking Atheist podcast?

@Canndue yes, and the scathing atheist, and cognitive dissonance


It would be wonderful to have one. Although, “compete” makes it sound as if rational and irrational thought are just different viewpoints and equally credible. We should have a radio show to inform people of our views and to extend a hand to all the budding atheists out there scared to so much as doubt for fear of divine retribution.

Yes! Or for fear of mortal retribution from their god-fearing neighbors.


I've so desperately wanted this for years!


I would do a podcast but many agnostics and fellow atheists would probably consider me to far right since I'm a centrist

Im a centrist too. And I podcast.

@Mvtt awesome. I cohost one and produce 2 currently.


I watch atheist programming but why would we want to compete with conservative Christians?

Good point........Better to stand out.


Dude, unfortunately there are a lot of conservative atheists. Even on this site. Don't you see the ridiculously idiotic shit they post in your feed? One of them tried to say people shouldn't have follow Covid restrictions because some people have abortions. Atheist has nothing to do with it: dumb people are dumb people.

Those are trolls. But they’ll be dealt with in the same manner as rubbish.

Yes u may be correct. Thanks for bringing that out


Well Steve is doing his part. Spread the word 🙂

Mvtt Level 7 Dec 21, 2020

We run the news from around the world every other week regarding atheism and religion, and also run several other shows such as Science News, Godsmacked, Atheist Hall of Fame, Science vs. Religion, Atheist Adventurer, and more!

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