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LINK Christians Invaded Native American Sacred Space to Pray Away “Dark Energy” | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

In Southern Ohio, there’s a Native American national historic site called Great Serpent Mound. It’s considered sacred by the tribes.

For right-wing Christian activist Dave Daubenmire, none of that matters. So on Sunday, the day of the Winter Solstice, members of his ministry went to the site to prayer against the “dark energy” that he claims is released there. That involved one member climbing onto the mound and essentially desecrating the site.

snytiger6 9 Dec 22

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It's not the first time in our history that kinda thing has happened.


Faithfools disrespecting other peoples beliefs. How would daubenmire like it if someone desecrated his church?

I'd be only too happy to desecrated his church, in fact it would be a very great pleasure and honour to return the favour.
Imo, Scum like that deserve NOTHING less.

@Triphid Perhaps we should organise a giant gay and lesbian orgy in his church.

@anglophone I'm 100% straight BUT I agree 110,000% on that, I'll come dressed in Drag just the heck of it.

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